Showing Posts For Serendipity.1547:

Can we get a congratulations to ORomNG?

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


Huge congrats to oRNG. First 3 games were some really fun games despite them being so frustrating when losing by so few points. We had lost moral as a team by the 4th unfortunately.

Tage 100% deserved the MVP too. He’s not the greatest english speaker but he was super awesome the little he did speak to me. And of course likely the best guardian GW2 has seen.

Anyways, congrats again oRNG!

i still <3 you phanta!

and grats to oRNG

Justin O'Dell for President

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


#believeinkarl <3

Favorite Streamer(s) in Guild Wars 2 PvP TV

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


arken <3

he’s just fantastic

Yeah listening to him kissing ANET’s kitten for hours is fantastic.

better than listening for hours the same whining from the same ppl

Favorite Streamer(s) in Guild Wars 2 PvP TV

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


arken <3

he’s just fantastic

Officially Announcing -!

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


can you pls correct the guildname from our guild? it’s Sealclubbers and not Seal Clubbers, thx^^

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


once again^^

it’s written european union, what’s about switzerland? we are not in and we don’t have problems with visa or something like that, we are close like eu

on the german site it’s writen like this: Ab nächster Woche steht die Anmeldung Spielern ab 18 Jahren offen, die in Kanada, den USA, Mexiko und in Europa leben

what’s now true? european union or europe?

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


it’s written european union, what’s about switzerland? we are not in and we don’t have problems with visa or something like that, we are close like eu

on the german site it’s writen like this: Ab nächster Woche steht die Anmeldung Spielern ab 18 Jahren offen, die in Kanada, den USA, Mexiko und in Europa leben

what’s now true? european union or europe?

i wait for the answer of my/this question^^

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


I am also a potential partcipant and the issue effected me directly, and my issue was resolved thus I have a lot more information about whats going on then you do, and I am not basing my information on nothing.

do you have privilege rights now and a exclusive regulation with anet? i’m just wondering why it’s now possible for you to be in the tournament

(edited by Serendipity.1547)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


Jesus people. Get a grip.

They have explained that it takes alot of resources to check all these countries out. These are resources that are scarce and cant all be done at once. Instead they are investing these resources in the game, which is a good thing.

They will get to your country eventually, but dont count on it being soon. There are a lot of countries in the world. It is unrealistic to expect they will be able to review all of them. SO if you aren’t in the countries then you have to suck it up and deal with it. Let’s be honest, most people are eu or north america. So the tournament will still be exceptionally valid.

europe isn’t only EU, there are also other countries and i know that switzerland has close the same rules than EU – and i’m happy to live here when i read such postings^^

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


it’s written european union, what’s about switzerland? we are not in and we don’t have problems with visa or something like that, we are close like eu

on the german site it’s writen like this: Ab nächster Woche steht die Anmeldung Spielern ab 18 Jahren offen, die in Kanada, den USA, Mexiko und in Europa leben

what’s now true? european union or europe?

(edited by Serendipity.1547)

Feedback on Spectator Mode

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


it would be nice if it was more apparent which player you are following

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


it’s still unplayable, why no one from anet is answer here and concern about this problem ?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


unplayable since the patch, even on sunday noon i have lags of 10 seconds

swisscom, switzerland

can you pls once again clear up the ip-adresses from swisscom? that worked the last time

(p.s. with vpn via finland it works without a problem)

Guildmate Online, but is Offline

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


if your are logged in your account on the website, the person is show online in the game.

and every person on characterscreen is showing as online.

Map-Stuck is back

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


we got still this problem yesterday in tournaments :/