Showing Posts For Serenseven.4657:

"Consume Conditions" a Corruption Skill.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Serenseven.4657


All the other Corruption skills place a condition on you. Given that Consume Conditions is meant to cleanse your conditions in addition to healing you, wouldn’t it make little sense to have it turn around and put a condition back on you?

Parasitic bond FIXED?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Serenseven.4657


Secondly, now that PB is fixed, can we remove it? Its a bit pointless isn’t it? If you kill a mob in PvE you’re likely going to be out of combat. If you are fighting several mobs the 1k hp hardly matters especially when there is a cooldown, you can’t even ‘spike heal’ from killing a group of enemies. At least give us a weaker version of ‘lose a condition when killing an enemy’

I’d take Parasitic Bond’s 1k heal over Reanimator’s jagged kitten any day.

Corruption skills - Spreading the "Love"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Serenseven.4657


A question for the OP:

I have 2 self-bleed stacks from Blood Is Power and my enemy has its 2 bleed stacks. Assume further there are other mobs in range. Would I be allowed to Contagion my 2 stacks onto the enemies; use a skill to actually transfer my 2 stacks to the first enemy; and then Epidemic that first enemy to spread its now 6 stacks to all the other enemies, thereby ending up with myself clean, the first enemy with 6 bleed stacks and surrounding enemies with 8 stacks, plus whatever other bleeds and conditions may have been applied first? Or would Contagion-spread conditions not be further spreadable via Epidemic?

EDIT: And I stupidly forget to post the main point…it seems that Contagion used in this way enables a necro to actually AoE-apply his self-conditions twice over, once directly and once through transfer and Epidemic. From what little I’ve seen so far (I’m still very new to the game), Blood is Power stacks are quite potent – would suddenly going from being able to spread 4 stacks of it to 8 be a bit much?

(edited by Serenseven.4657)