Showing Posts For Sevens.6390:

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sevens.6390


It isn’t hard to spot a blue bottle in my inventory since i keep my bags empty i didnt miss anything i just did not recieve them nd i am not just here trolling I am a loyal anet fanboy but this really did make me feel betrayed since all thee ones i got in the past i usually used or promptly deleted but on these i did in fact get zero they are not in my bags nor in my bank as i did not open any of my chests until after the problem was addressed. now i am bug reporting it to see if maybe there is a bug that effects some but not all or if it is just working as intended on this

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sevens.6390


But those of us who spent money on kjeys for the chests and got zero tonics we are just SOL unless we spend more money? yeha great job on this one Anet sorry but only those that got lucky and got the tonics gain anything from this the rest of us just wasted our money in my opinion

What are you talking about? All black lion chests give you 3 tonics.

Well the 7+ i op-ened dropped zero so that is inaccurate mate

Unless they recently changed the drop tables, by which I mean since yesterday, all chests give 3 mystery tonics.

Yes they usually do i agree but not one dropped it for me so maybe this is a bug i need to report or something but several of my chests only dropped 2 items usually two boosters but not one single mystery tonic not one idc what it is suppose to be i am saying wht it is

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sevens.6390


It’s not like gold is that hard to come by.

But some of us spent our hard earned money on keys jsut for this event so it doesnt matter if gold is hard to come by or not i bought had a horribly low chance that wa so low anet put this in and then made it the tonics which i got zero of so i feel very cheated doubly so since you have to have x amount of tonics and i looted zero so yeah it is a problem to me

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sevens.6390


But those of us who spent money on kjeys for the chests and got zero tonics we are just SOL unless we spend more money? yeha great job on this one Anet sorry but only those that got lucky and got the tonics gain anything from this the rest of us just wasted our money in my opinion

What are you talking about? All black lion chests give you 3 tonics.

Well the 7+ i op-ened dropped zero so that is inaccurate mate

This game is great and so are you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


Indeed, I love how they only require you to do 30-40 runs of the same dungeon to get a full armor set, I was already tired of grinding. Oh wait…

And yet not a single run of the dungeon is required…you can never do a single dungeon in GW2 and still be a viable member of any DE, WvW or anywhere else…..there is NO required grind, its all optional

Do you feel pressured to support GW2 via the cash shop? Why or Why not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


Not even once….and how can you feel pressured to use a system that they put a work around in for it? You dont want to spent money, great! use gold to buy gems….

Some issues I find frustrating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


Meh, I’d edit my post but forum is broken (no editing option).

You can’t properly kite dodge and roll in Orr area, which is how we’re supposed to play the game, because of the mob density/respawn rate.

This is obviously a total ballsup.

I do agree with the mob respawn rate….it needs to be looked at in all zones, but Im thinking Orr was suppose to be a group zone? Not really meant to go in there and solo the place, Im thinking a group would have much less of a problem in there

The friendliest gold seller (don't ever buy gold from gold sellers)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


Im on a mission, ban the buyers as well as the sellers!
sorry but if there was no market there would be no sellers

Your character names origins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


have always used Sevens for any thief type toon I play

Seven being a lucky number just seemed to fit that style of play

GW2 is a paint by numbers experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


To try and find some intelligent DISCUSSION on the game…youre whine is the samekitten other threads….just post in one of them or just go do somethink you like.

Edit there was no curse words in my post not sure why I got the kitten treatment lol

(edited by Sevens.6390)

GW2 is a paint by numbers experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


Why does every special snowflake think his whine is just soooo important?
If you dont like the game, great! not every game is for every person.
but spare us the forum post whining and just go do something you do enjoy.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy…

Dear Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


The dungeons are to GW2 what Raids are to WoW…they are NOT to be done by PUGs but by teams using vent and working together closely to get the job done…they are for the top end pve players….If you want to do dungeons up YOUR game and dont whine for them to bring down their game.

Colin Johanson on Dungeon Difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


Xmode dungeons are to GW2 what Raids are to other MMOs….they are not meant to really be PUGable, nor is any average joe going to go in and cake walk it. It is made for teams and guilds that can communicate and plan, that can use Voice to work together.
The story modes are for the PUGs and average joes.

Frustrations over lack of endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens.6390


If youre dying and looking for someone to blame you best look in a mirror…no one is there to carry you, you are responsible for yourself.

That being said I am thinking this is really nothing but a troll post…you claim you have followed the game for 2 years then complain about things that are the very core of GW2.

Mini Games?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sevens.6390


What happened to drunken bar brawl?