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Commander Tag Character Only?

in WvW

Posted by: SgtCrise.7034


Look guys, your hate toward commanders is cool and all that jazz.

And even partially justified, hell, I dislike how commander rank is handled by now in almost every way.

But the thread subject is to allow people who ALREADY have a commander badge use it when on an alt.

It’s as simple as that, and there is no reason for it not being there.

Hell, dungeon tokens are account-wide. Bank is account-wide. A LOT of stuff is account-wide.

Right now I see no real arguments against OP, past “commander are bad people, let’s punish them”.

And I’m sorry, if you think that current situation makes WvW somehow have less commanders, well. No. Commanders are just stuck on their mains, that’s all it accomplishes.

We seriously need a dev word on this. It’s not the first thread, and it’s an issue that touches not only the commanders, but also people that are looking forward to be lead by commanders.

Can we get on subject please?

Commander Tag Character Only?

in WvW

Posted by: SgtCrise.7034


Does anyone really think because you have a blue icon above your head people will listen to you?

In my experience, most will. You see, you seem to believe, wrongly, that people like to make their own decisions or won’t listen to someone with what looks like an authority tag.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but the majority of people actually like being sheeps and being lead, and they do so more willingly when they see the blue shield on the map because most of them have absolutely no clue otherwise.

I hate to break it to you as well my friend, but people will follow the most green dots they see on the map, not what someone that has a blue shield says.

We understand you like to be lead and thats great but the majority simply will not listen to you because you have a blue icon, they will just follow the big group of people.

Hilarious side note, that statement holds true in some weird circumstances. I literally watched an entire zerg run off a cliff and die, some 20 – 30 people died. When I finished laughing so hard I cried, it made me think back to the old days when my mom used to ask “Well if your friends jumped off a cliff would you?!”.

How is this relevant to commander being account-wide though?

Commander Tag Character Only?

in WvW

Posted by: SgtCrise.7034


Look guys, you can argue all you want about wheter commanders are needed or not, but you are missing the point of thread ENTIRELY.

Currently there is absolutely no reason for commander to be character-bound.

Commander is player title, not character title. And wheter said player is skilled in commanding or not, is entirely different story.

Thing is, as of now, it is very hard to get those 100g all by yourself. I dare to say if you have life and don’t want to spend gems on it, it’s nigh-impossible.

Now imagine my situation – I’m in a big guild that decided I should get a commander badge for ease of organization. I’ve got it on one character and well… I’m stuck on it. I can’t play any alts, because I’m expected to use that badge in WvW and rightfuly so! And I want to!

Let’s recap:

1) Commander is player-based rank. There is nothing character-based in it. Level scaling makes level 11 characters just as viable commanders as level 80. Yes, they bring more stuff to the table on individual level, but commander isn’t there for combat skills at all.

2) Commander is most of the time guild-bought title. This responsibility locks a commander into one single character. And not everyone wants to play one main and not touch anything else. That’s just cruel.

3) There is no issue of having “more” commanders as you can only play one character per account at any given time.

4) There is no issue of commanders being unrecognized. If you want to be easily recognized, you make a character with similar name. If people are afraid that commanders can make alts and troll around – you can always check their account name.

5) There is no issue of privacy – commander badge is toggleable.

I’ve no idea why it isn’t account-wide already, it’s just weird.

Can you imagine wanting to roll an alt after your guild chipped in on your commander? What are you going to do? Earn those 100g by yourself? Ask them to chip in again just because you want an alt? Sheesh.

Can we have a dev word on this? I believe a lot of commanders in my situation are already saving for alt comm badges, but maybe there is yet hope?

Compiled list of ways to improve Squad Commander

in WvW

Posted by: SgtCrise.7034


Commander on Seafarer’s Rest here. I can sign the OP post for a lot of these features. Commander is 100g and while I understand the price is steep to make it an unaffordable rank for people not supported by followers, it needs much more tools to be cost-efficient.

Squad management skills are currently a joke, which was well explained in posts above. So focus on that first.

And above all else, please do make commander rank account-wide. There is absolutely NO reason for it not to be so, and it forces us to play one character only, which is pointless.