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Solutions to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowCarnage.8319


Solution – Change the ways queues work to only allow in enough people to match the other servers. If server A has 50 people, Server B 20 people, then Server C with its 250 people trying to play only lets in 50 people and queues the other 200. Anet already has in place when you try to join that it checks the current players and queues if needed. In this case it would check the other servers players as well and only allow in as many to equal the most from another server. In this case Server B could lose a lot (Though possibly not as much) and the other servers would be fighting it out like we should see.

Fixed Scoring vs Accumulating Score

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowCarnage.8319


I don’t think the scoring system needs to be scrapped. I did post my suggestion about how to help with night time capping in a thread I created though.

What's the sense in PvP/WvW play before 80?

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowCarnage.8319


I enjoy setting many a foe on fire.

WvWvW and New Builds/Disconnects

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowCarnage.8319


Please add in a window, maybe 5 minutes, where a player can get back into the same WvWvW map ahead of the queue after disconnecting or a new build download. For this I mean that player would be sent directly to the front of the queue to get back in.

WvWvW Night Time Capping Solution

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowCarnage.8319


First off please know that I am fully aware that other countries exist and the primetime varies. The primetime of the server you are fighting for is what matters for this discussion.

We have all seen it – You have a great fight for hours and are neck and neck with the other servers only to wake up the next day to one server owning everything.

Is this an issue or should it be written off as “Part of 24/7 war”? For me, I believe this is an issue. It will cause players to care less about upgrading as they know a fully upgraded keep doesn’t matter when there is no one defending it. Also, the points accumulated over the hours one server owns everything is immense and usually are impossible to recover from. What we have seen recently has always been fixing itself with the 24 hour resets. I feel that with longer fights this issue will only get worse. So does this mean that those that play at off hours should be punished? No.

Solution – Change the ways queues work to only allow in enough people to match the other servers. If server A has 50 people, Server B 20 people, then Server C with its 250 people trying to play only lets in 50 people and queues the other 200. Anet already has in place when you try to join that it checks the current players and queues if needed. In this case it would check the other servers players as well and only allow in as many to equal the most from another server. In this case Server B could lose a lot (Though possibly not as much) and the other servers would be fighting it out like we should see.

Is this a perfect solution? No, there will still be uneven populations at times with people that stay in the fight through the night. However, this will help alleviate the issues with the 20v166 fights.

Is this punishment to the people that get queued? I don’t see it that way. WvWvW already has the max of 166 in place and people queue for hours as it is. This would simply give players that play at off hours the same type of queue. I don’t see that as a punishment.

I think for the good of the game a solution like this needs to be implemented.