Showing Posts For ShadowInTheVoid.9183:
The question is still when theyre gona stop being single items and start being account unlocks that are reclaimable so theyre actualy worth getting
Remember when they said GuildWars 2 would be released “When it’s ready”?
Now it has alot of very things going for (i love the combat, the maps, the quests and the gameplay in general) it but there is a few things are ruining my (and i assume other people) enjoyment of this game that should have been sorted out before release (most things that GW1 already had right) and i find myself wonder if i should leave off playing more till they’ve been fixed knowing i’ll enjoy this game so much more then…………
This is my list of things that need to be changed as a mater of priority to make this game what it should be
1) International guesting
After waiting for guesting to be introduced since launch we now find out we wount be able to guest on server from other regions………………….
For a guild with both EU and US members who now find out they wount be able to play with each other this is pretty game breaking. I understand the reason given for this but there NEEDS to be a fix to get around this weather its full guesting to any server or a guesting only international server (a la GW1)
2) Constume/Hat maker
Why are my hats taking up inventory space when i don’t want to wear them? because if i get rid of them i lose them forever
And if i buy a costume in the store i have to keep it in my inventory and cant delete it and get it back without paying again you cant wear a costume on more then one person without moving it between them and if you remove you lose your starter town cloths your kittened.
3) Level Grinding
why do i feel like im grinding to get to lvl 80 little by little when on GW1 i made lvl 20 in under 8 hours and spent the rest of the time enjoying the actual story/quests
Im sure before they game lauched they kept saying that they was avoiding grind in this game
Id be interested to see what other people think are the real game breaking problems that need fixing and what ANET thinks of these and if they are going to prioritise fixing the issues
After posts on here around Halloween i had hoped we’d have seen hat maker/costume maker (like in GW1) added by now
Very disapointing
Yet again, costumes in store but not worth getting them for just 1 costume that u cant recreate if you delete it
Apart from leveling up still just feeling too grindy there gem store is the only real problem with this game and fix’s like hat maker/costume maker are the only way people are going to start using it
We have been talking about the same sort of stuff here
All in all i cant say as many people are planning to buy costumes till they changed them so they are at least reclaimable
Why I am not enticed to buy costumes in GW2, but had ALL of them in GW1
Posted by: ShadowInTheVoid.9183
The costume bank idea would be helpful but it would be annoying only having it on one person at a time and having to take cloths of one char to put em on another…….and there always the “what if i accidentally delete it” fear
A HOM type system or general costume vendors like on GW1 would be easyest things and most likely to make us want to get all the costumes and accessorys
I would like to see standard town cloths able to be remade as well for if we destroy those
He’re hopeing this is resolved in an update soon and that everybokitteneping this thread going shows how much this would mean to us all
And just FYI i will be sporting witch’s outfit alot once this is changed
Why I am not enticed to buy costumes in GW2, but had ALL of them in GW1
Posted by: ShadowInTheVoid.9183
Its good to see people all on board with what should be a simple change and the one thing in the game id most like to see changed (it says alot for the game) and i hope ANet realize how many people there out there just waiting to throw money at them for every costume they make as soon as they change this
Why I am not enticed to buy costumes in GW2, but had ALL of them in GW1
Posted by: ShadowInTheVoid.9183
Both costumes and armor skins would be much better working like HOM skins and being able to reclaim them as many times as wanted
…….but also…………..if you lose/destroy your original town cloths, you cant get them back eather……..surely that needs a fix too
The account bound argument doesn’t realy work because you still need to keep your costume somewhere and goto effort to move it between chars but more importantly, if you lose it you cant get it back. If i lose costume on gw1 i just went and picked up another, knowing that i didn’t have to worry about losing what i had payed for
I like that they have added skills to costumes but i would still have to agree that id rather be able to wear costumes in combat like gw1 too………or at least have a key to quick swap/have auto swap out of combat option
Why I am not enticed to buy costumes in GW2, but had ALL of them in GW1
Posted by: ShadowInTheVoid.9183
I also would love to see account unlocked costumes like GW1, i have all GW1 costumes
I wount be buying a single GW2 costume, now or ever, as is.
But also nobody i know would buy them (in the UK) in the current state also.
I would be intrested to see if peoples views on this are affected by country.
Is a willingness to pay for them as a single use item rather then a reclaimable unlock an american thing?