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Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShadowSaint.7628


1. Character name?
2. Race, lvl, server and Profession?
3. Quest which caused the skipping?
4. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to?
5. If possible, provide a quest outline with only the relevant choice missions(where you have to choose one), if you can’t remember, no need.
6. Any other notes?
1. My character is named Blaque Varghart
2. My character is a human thief level 50 on Sea of Sorrows
3. I was on the level 30 Quest: Stealing Secrets. (Not completed”)
4. Jumped to level 41: Investigating Quaggans
5. I chose to join the Order of Whispers. Only found out about the skipped mission when it was announced on forums. Have since proceeded to lvl 51 mission (where Tybalt gets in trouble…)
6. Would love to complete the missing stories from 30-40, hopefully its possible even though I have progressed from 40-50 in personal story. Did not receive any rewards whatsoever when my story got jumped.

Thankyou for your time!

(edited by ShadowSaint.7628)