Showing Posts For ShadowSanctus.4158:

Trait Acquisition and Old Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


You’ll have all the traits automatically unlocked once u reach lvl30, lvl60 and lvl80 if you created the character before the patch.

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


- Hunter’s Token Vendor

Great Hunter’s Token —> 1000 tokens
Hunter’s Bag --> 300 tokens
Loot Bag —> 100 tokens
Hunter’s Steak --> 150 tokens
Hunter’s Salad —> 100 tokens

- Great Hunter’s Token Vendor

Great Hunter’s Weapon (1H) —> 2 tokens
Great Hunter’s Weapon (2H) --> 3 tokens
Great Hunter’s Armor Head —> 1 token
Great Hunter’s Armor Shoulders --> 2 tokens
Great Hunter’s Armor Chest —> 3 tokens
Great Hunter’s Armor Gloves --> 1 tokens
Great Hunter’s Armor Leggings —> 2 tokens
Great Hunter’s Armor Boots --> 1 token
Mini Spirit of the Wolf —> 4 tokens
Mini Spirit of the Raven --> 4 tokens
Mini Spirit of the Snow Leopard —> 4 tokens
Mini Spirit of the Bear --> 4 tokens

  • Bags and Food Overview
    Loot Bag — Contains between 1 to 3 regular crafting materials from Tier 1 to Tier 6
    Hunter’s Bag — Same loot as Champion Bag (without the unique skins)
    Hunter’s Salad — same as Bowl of Seaweed Salad
    Hunter’s Steak — same as Dragon’s Breath Bun

- Achievements

The Greatest HunterMeta Achievement
—> Statue to place in the Norn Home Instance
- Complete 10 Achievements

A True Predator
—> Title Master of Hunting
- Clear 25 waves in a single Solo mission

The Greatest Hunting Party
—> Finisher where 4 other Hunters join in on the stomp
- Clear 35 waves in a single Team mission

A Hunting Enthusiast
—> Achievement points only
- Participate in 10 Solo missions

A Friendly Hunter
—> Achievement points only
- Participate in 10 Team missions

Indiscriminate Hunter
—> Achievement points only
- Kill a total of 1000 creatures

Regular Hunter
—> Achievement points only
- Kill 300 Normal creatures

Seasoned Hunter
—> Achievement points only
- Kill 200 Veteran creatures

Elite Hunter
—> Achievement points only
- Kill 100 Elite creatures

Hunter of Champions
—> Achievement points only
- Kill 50 Champions

Legendary Hunter
—> Unique Spirits of the Wild Quiver Backpack (the spirits would flow out of the quiver in order – Wolf/ Raven/ Snow Leopard/ Bear)
- Kill 1 Legendary

An Efficient Hunter
—> 500 tokens
- Clear 10 waves under 5 minutes

A Prime Hunter
—> 1 Great Hunter’s Token
- Clear 1 wave under 3 minutes

A Spoiled Hunter
—> Achievement points only
- Spend 2000 tokens

An Armed Hunter
—> Achievement points only
- Buy a Great Hunter’s Weapon (repeatable)

A Stylish Hunter
—> Achievement points only
- Buy 1 Piece of Great Hunter’s Armor (repeatable)

And this is my proposal for The Hunting Game
Give me your feedback and suggestions please

Thank you

(edited by ShadowSanctus.4158)

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


So I have reviewed all my notes on the Hunting Game and came up with this variation of the mission please give me your feedback.
For the other missions i will update them as i go
Here we go

Hoelbrak – The Hunting Game
“You think you’re a Hunter? Prove it

- Kill as many enemies as you can in the allotted time (base time – 5 min)

- Every kill gives a time bonus that accumulates over the wave

- The timer resets between waves (time bonus accumulated is turned into points at a ratio of 1 minute = 1 point)

-Time points accumulated will be added to the Leaderboards only when you quit the game

- At every 5th wave cleared an option to quit the game will appear

- Should you quit, you’ll receive your reward based on your tier plus a reward for the time points accumulated

- Monetary rewards are limited to once per tier, per account, per day (this means you can quit at Silver collect the reward and go for Gold to collect again and vice-versa)

- Should you fail the mission (time over) you’ll receive your full reward based on your tier but will not receive any reward for the time points accumulated

- In case of Death you’ll spawn back at the starting point and will have to run back to the hunting ground

- The enemies are mostly wildlife present in the Norn territories

- Enemies will appear on the mini-map

- On higher waves other hunters and indigenous tribes will appear to seek retribution and to steal your glory

- Summoned creatures do not count for wave completion but count for time bonus (i.e. wolf’s ability to call for allies)

- Proposed terrain for the game to take place – Wayfarer Foothills beginning from the south and going north as the wave number goes higher

- Enemies and Time Bonus

- Normal 10 secs (solo) / 5 secs (team)
– Veteran 20 secs (solo) / 10 secs (team)
– Elite 40 secs (solo) / 20 secs (team)
– Champion 60 secs (solo) / 30 secs (team)
– Legendary (not available on solo) / 2 minutes (team)

Wave Overview

Time bonus is stated without counting summoned creatures as i have no way of knowing how many would be spawned in a fight


- 1st to 4th —> 18 Normal enemies (Nor) = 3 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 5th to 8th --> 18 Nor + 6 Veterans (Vet) = 5 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 9th to 12th —> 18 Nor + 6 Vet + 3 Elites (Eli) = 7 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 13th to 16th --> 12 Nor + 7 Vet + 4 Eli = 7 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 17th to 19th —> 6 Nor + 8 Vet + 5 Eli +1 Champion (Cha) = 8 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 20th to 24th --> 0 Nor + 9 Vet + 6 Eli + 2 Cha = 9 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 25th and up —> 0 Nor + 10 Vet + 7 Eli + 3 Cha = 11 minutes of time bonus per wave


- 1st to 4th —> 36 Normal enemies (Nor) = 3 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 5th to 8th --> 36 Nor + 12 Veterans (Vet) = 5 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 9th to 12th —> 36 Nor + 12 Vet + 6 Elites (Eli) = 7 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 13th to 16th --> 24 Nor + 14 Vet + 8 Eli = 7 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 17th to 19th —> 12 Nor + 16 Vet + 10 Eli +2 Champion (Cha) = 8 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 20th to 24th --> 0 Nor + 18 Vet + 12 Eli + 4 Cha = 9 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 25th to 29th —> 0 Nor + 20 Vet + 14 Eli + 6 Cha = 11 minutes of time bonus per wave
- 30th and up --> 0 Nor + 21 Vet + 15 Eli + 8 Cha + 1 Legendary = 16 minutes of time bonus per wave

Legendary enemies only appear after all Champions are defeated

Enemies behavior per wave

- 1st to 4th – Enemy stands still
- 5th to 8th – Nor roams + Vet stands still
- 9th to 12th – Nor runs + Vet roams + Eli stands still
- 13th to 19th – Nor runs + Vet runs + Eli roams + Cha stands still
- 20th to 24th – Vet runs + Eli roams + Cha stands still
- 25th to 29th – Vet runs + Eli runs + Cha roams
- 30th and up – Vet runs + Eli runs + Cha roams + Legendary stands still



- Bronze – 0 to 4 waves cleared —> Karma per wave + Loot Bag per wave
- Silver – 5 to 19 waves cleared --> 40 silver per wave + 2 Loot Bags per wave
- Gold – 20+ waves cleared —> 50 silver per wave + 3 Loot Bags per wave + Hunter’s Bag per wave

Time Points – 2 silver per point + 10 Hunter’s tokens per point

Team (reward per player)

- Bronze – 0 to 9 waves cleared —> Karma per wave + Loot Bag per wave
- Silver – 10 to 29 waves cleared --> 45 silver per wave + 2 Loot Bags per wave
- Gold – 30+ waves cleared —> 60 silver per wave + 4 Loot Bags per wave + 2 Hunter’s Bags per wave

Time Points – 4 silver per point + 15 Hunter’s tokens per point

Monetary rewards can only be collected once per tier, per account, per day

(edited by ShadowSanctus.4158)

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


Note the changes I made to your post. Your clarity was missed on those instances. You should fix the post to be more clear. That was what I was talking about.

As for this not being a gold train, the way you have everything set up that’s exactly what it will be. The cash reward would be far higher than the same time investment in speed dungeon runs. The jumping puzzle thing doesn’t stop or slow down hard core players in the slightest. After awhile muscle memory kicks in and that’s the end of any difficulty. The time investment for 5 minutes (Going off the only actual time stamp given in your posts) of this compared to even the fastest dungeon run makes this a gold train. The fastest being CoF p1 at ~15 mins for ~1.25-1.5g once a day (Unless you get a lucky drop). You are stating you can make “easily” by your words silver rank. Solo crystals MINIMUM for silver gets you 3g before bags. You have to balance the rewards with the time investment compared to rewards/time investment of other options. If one is so far out and above the other IT WILL become the next gold train. Difficulty does not stop or even slow down efficiency, because with practice difficulty vanishes.

The idea is good, the rewards are out of balance.

The 40 silver entry fee wont drive away leeches, what would do that is actually requiring participation in the event which you already have.

I’ve edited the original post to be more clear and arranged the rewards so that they don’t become exaggerated.
The crystal mission isn’t a mission you can do in 5 minutes.
5 minutes are the base time to grab crystals, deliver them and receive an added time bonus (5 secs per crystal for Solo and 3 secs per crystal for Team)

This means that for a Solo to reach Silver it would take a minimum of 15 minutes (considering that you don’t consume any crystals at all) and to reach Gold it should take about 22 minutes (without consuming crystals as well)
And for Teams to reach Silver it should take about 20~22 minutes (again without using crystals) and to reach Gold it should take about 35 minutes (without using crystals)


As for Timed wave based missions i’m currently working on way to make the mission feel rewarding because i did the math and, based on the time bonus, to reach wave 30 you’d have to invest about 90 minutes (considering you can kill each wave in about 5 mins) I’m thinking about having an option to quit every 5 waves and reward players based on the waves cleared and an extra for each bonus minute accumulated.
I have placed a new post related to The Hunting Game down below explaining the wave based rewards

Got any ideas on how to reward based on the amount of time bonus gathered?

On the subject of how to balance it I would suggest that you can go as many times as you want but you’ll only get one tier reward per account and per day.
Meaning that if reach Silver you’ll only get another reward when you reach Gold on that day or Silver on the next day.
I know that some players will fail on purpose to reap the rewards but i don’t want to make it so that less skilled players stuck on a small reward have to wait for the next day to try again.

(edited by ShadowSanctus.4158)

Obtaining traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


Hello I just wanna start by saying I’m a big fan of GW2, but why do i need to complete a lvl 59 story quest to get my adept trait? really!? im lvl 30…WTF!

It’s because u can only unlock Master Traits at lvl 60…
So u can still use that one for half a lvl… :/

I posted a suggestion a while back to try and solve this….

Tell me what you think

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


This is a very well though out idea. Kudos!

Thank you ^^

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


the luxon one was fun where you kill waves of outcasts then when it gets harder naga then leviathan then saltspray and later siege turtles too bad it had a bug which made the leaderboard on it meaningless but still fun would love to see something like it here.

Maybe make one like the marionette event only difference is every lane is competing witch each other last man standing

Unfortunately I could never get a team to play the Luxon mission and had to go with Heroes… It’s not same but it did the trick…

The Last Man Standing seems interesting but you’d have to be careful of Stealth and camping issues…
But you could turn it into a Pvp 5 Man Death Match
(5 man go in 1 comes out sort of thing)

Usually 1 Player can’t kill 4 others at the same time so they’d have to strategize:

- Do I wait out on a Battle before swooping both fighters?
- Do I focus on a strong player and deal with the rest later?
- Do I hide and lay low until the finish?

I do believe everyone would target the Warrior right off the bat ^^’

Those matches should be pretty fun to watchhehe

As for the Marionette I think/hope we’ll see her in the Fractals joining Mai Trin and The Molten Alliance

Fingers crossed :p

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


This is a very interesting and very lore friendly potential to give us players even more options to have fun with. With a few tweaks it be really nice. I’m not sure an entry fee like the one you suggested should be so high though if at all. I’d rather not have the entry fee myself. We already had a few “Pay to play” minigames that always tend to make you waste money more than actually earn it.

Also looking at it you are asking people to throw away money with the projected “wave” system. 40 silver per character to get 15 and some bags.? Not gona be a very popular game. The Crystal system is on the other end of the spectrum. 400+ to get gold means 800 silver, or 8 gold. that would be easily abused. Even if each guy did 100, which should be easily doable based on your solo calculations that’s still 2g per guy. If they all were to shoot for what you stated as gold for solo thats 5g each, adding up to 25g. Yet if they were to just do “solo” they would get 50% more for the same work , 7.5g. And all of that is not adding in the bags.

If money is to be rewarded it should just be based on completion rank, not some other variable. “x” amount of silver for bronze with silver being slightly higher and gold slightly higher still. That or measured in copper, not silver.

In all honesty I’d hope more for personal items for actual customizable houses (whenever we get them) because I rarely ever go to my home instance. Adding trophies there wouldn’t do that much because you can’t really show those off to people.

Thank you for your feedback but i’m afraid you misinterpreted a few things

The Wave based rewards are per wave.
Meaning that if you’re solo and clear 5 waves you’d get 75 silver + 10 Loot Bags; should you clear 20 waves you’d get 4 gold + 60 Loot Bags + 10 Champion Bags.
And if you’re on a Team and clear 10 waves each member will get 1 gold + 30 Loot Bags and should you clear 30 waves each member will get 4.5 gold + 90 Loot Bags + 10 Champion Bags (looking better now they should get 15 bags)

As for the crystal rewards, you did notice that you have 2 very different Weapons right?
If you only use the Axe you’ll get more from each node but miss more than 50% of the total nodes in the area and if you only use the Gun you’ll find almost every single node but u’ll get less from each node forcing you to switch weapons and consume time.
And I did say it would be a Jumping Puzzle – like terrain, you even have skills to jump higher and to ignore Falling Damage at the cost of crystals.
As such the game IS more rewarding to Teams but they must possess great coordination and have assigned tasks and the rewards are based on the total crystals delivered so that those on Scan duty don’t feel left out and rage quit the game
So if you deliver 150 crystals in Solo you’d get 3 gold + 45 Loot Bags and if you deliver 250 crystals you’d get 7.5 gold + 75 Loot Bags + 12 Master Bags but you are required to be a better than average jumper.
As for Team, if the total crystals delivered is 250 each member will get 2.5 gold + 50 Loot Bags and if you deliver 400 crystals you get 8 gold + 80 Loot Bags + 20 Master Bags but it would require a huge amount of team work (Guns would scan and charge while Axes run back-and-forth without abusing the suit’s skills, which cost crystals)

The 40 silver are there to drive away Leeches
Although the Solo missions could cost less to enter (maybe 20 silver)

These missions were not designed to be a Gold Mine/Train (doing dungeons should reward Gold faster than doing the missions)
These missions are intended to be a Challenge and, although i don’t expect everyone to reach Gold, almost everyone should reach Silver

In regards to the trophies maybe we could get an emote(something like /hunting) stating your prowess, for example:

- Bronze —> A small statue of a baby hunter falls from the sky

- Silver —> A proud statue of a Seasoned hunter falls from the sky

- Gold —> A massive Spirits of the Wild statue (with spirit effects) fades in around the player

Give me your thoughts and your ideas please

Thank you

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


I like this idea. If Anet ever stole your ideas and implemented them as is I’d probably end up logging in to only do these lol. Nice work

That’s one of the best compliments I could get ^^
Thank you

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


I have posted something similar to this a while back.

I had a bit of a different version in mind, but I would certainly love to see challenge missions make a return.

That mission reminds me of GW1 Nightfall’s Master quests
They were really challenging to do and some of the Solo quests gave me the rages :p but they were still fun

I like the idea, especially all the work you did to describe all of different mission.

The only thing you could add is some specific reward (like heroes armor skins were droping) that would drop randomly. I was thinking maybe some gizmo for decorating home instance in the said city that aknowledge for your help to the city.

Thank you very much

Edit I have a new more clear post below

After i read your post i started to think of Achievements that could reward players with Titles and a Statue to place in the Home instance

So far i’ve only thought up a few for The Hunting Games

The Greatest Hunter (Meta-Achiev) —> Statue to place in the Home instance
– Complete all other Achievements

A True Predator —> Title Master of Hunting
– Defeat 25 waves in a single game (Solo)

A Hunting Enthusiast —> Achiev points only
– Participate in 10 Hunting Games

The Greatest Hunting Party —> A finisher where 4 other chars join in the stomp
– Defeat 35 waves in a single game (Team)

Indiscriminate Hunter —> Achiev points only
– Kill 200 Ambient creatures

Regular Hunter —> Achiev points only
– Kill 300 Normal creatures

Seasoned Hunter —> Achiev points only
-KIll 200 Veteran creatures

Great Hunter —> Achiev points only
– Kill 100 Elite creatures

Hunter of Champions —> Achiev points only
– Kill 50 Champion creatures

Legendary Hunter —> Special Spirits of the Wild Quiver Backpack Skin (the Spirits would flow out of the quiver in order – Wolf/ Raven/ Snow Leopard/ Bear)
– Kill a Legendary creature (Team)

Since the kill achievs can be done in multiple games i thought it would be fair to only give achiev points for those
The Legendary should require a greater coordination between the party and they would be hard-pressed to kill him before the timer ran out

Tell me what you think and share some ideas of your own ^^

(edited by ShadowSanctus.4158)

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


  • Entry cost and Rewards

- It costs 40 silver for each player to join

- Rewards are divided in 2 groups (Wave tier and Crystal Tier)
– Rewards are per player

  • Wave tier rewards

- Solo Wave tier 1 (Bronze) – 0 to 4 waves defeated —> Karma per Wave + Loot Bag per Wave

- Solo Wave tier 2 (Silver) – 5 to 19 waves defeated --> 15 silver per Wave + 2 Loot Bags per Wave

- Solo Wave tier 3 (Gold) – 20+ waves defeated —> 20 silver per Wave + 3 Loot Bags per Wave + Champion Bag for every 2 waves

- Team Wave tier 1 (Bronze) – 0 to 9 waves defeated —> Karma per Wave +2 Loot Bags per Wave

- Team Wave tier 2 (Silver) – 10 to 29 waves defeated —> 10 silver per Wave + 3 Loot Bags per Wave

- Team Wave tier 3 (Gold) – 30+ waves defeated —> 15 silver per Wave + 3 Loot Bags per Wave + Champion Bag for every 3 waves

  • Crystal tier rewards

- Solo Crystal tier 1 (Bronze) – 0 to 149 crystals delivered —> Karma + 2 Loot Bags for each 10 crystals

- Solo Crystal tier 2 (Silver) – 150 to 249 crystals delivered —> 1 silver per crystal + 3 Loot Bags for each 10 crystals

- Solo Crystal tier 3 (Gold) – 250+ crystals delivered —> 1.5 silver per crystal + 3 Loot Bags for each 10 crystals + Master Bag for each 20 crystals

- Team Crystal tier 1 (Bronze) – 0 to 249 crystals delivered —> Karma per crystal + Loot Bag for each 10 crystals

- Team Crystal tier 2 (Silver) – 250 to 399 crystals delivered —> 80 copper per crystal + 2 Loot Bags for each 10 crystals

- Team Crystal tier 3 (Gold) – 400+ crystals delivered —> 1 silver per crystal + 3 Loot Bags for each 10 crystals + Master Bag for each 20 crystals

  • Bags Overview

Loot Bag – Contains between 1 to 3 regular crafting materials from Tier 1 to Tier 6
Champion Bag – Same loot as Champion Bag (without the unique skins)
Master Bag – Contains between 1 to 3 fine crafting materials from Tier 4 to Tier 6

And those are my suggestions, please leave your comments and lets see if the Devs grab these Ideas

Thank you

(edited by ShadowSanctus.4158)

Bring back Competitive Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


One thing I’d really like to see again is the Competitive Mission/challenge that existed in GW1 ( Like Glint’s Challenge)

I thought that each City could have a different Challenge and that they could be both Solo and Team oriented and the results could be posted in the Leaderboards for bragging rights.

Overview of the Challenges

—> Edit There is a new, more clear post related to The Hunting Game below

  • Hoelbrak – The Hunting Game
    “You think you’re a Hunter? Prove it

- Kill as many enemies as you can in the allotted time (5 minutes)
– Each kill gives extra time according to their rank
– Mobs show up on the mini-map
– Timer stops between waves.

* Time bonus* (Solo / Team)

- Ambient – 2 secs / 1 sec
– Normal – 10 secs / 5 secs
– Veteran – 20 secs / 10 secs
– Elite – 40 secs / 20 secs
– Champion – 1 Minute / 30 secs
– Legendary – Not Available / 5 Minutes

  • The Grove – Tending the Garden
    “Got a green thumb? We need it

- Find and kill as many Grubs as you can in the allotted time (5 minutes)
– While underground Grubs do not show up on the mini-map
– Search and pull the Grub’s Tail for them to show up
– Each kill gives extra time according to their rank
– Gain 40 seconds of time between waves
– Team Mission has a bigger garden to tend

Time Bonus

Normal – 20 secs
Veteran – 40 secs
Elite – 1 minute
Champion – 2 minutes
Legendary – 5 minutes ( only available on Team)

  • Rata Sum – Crystal Mining
    “Need workers for dange… important work”

- Mine and deliver as many crystals as possible in the allotted time (5 minutes)
– Crystal undelivered do not count towards the mission
– Each delivered crystal gives a time bonus of 5 secs on Solo and 3 secs on Team
– Jumping puzzle-like terrain with no enemies
– Map wide knockdown effect with wind-up
(avoid by standing still, stability or airborne for the duration of the quake (aprox 3 secs)
– Red circles appear at random locations causing damage and cripple
– Mining Suit has capacity to carry a max of 100 crystals
– 2 special weapons available to choose from

- Special Weapons

  • Special Photo-Augmented Reconstructive Energy Gun(S.P.A.R.E. Gun)
  • Skill 1Extract (3 per node)
  • Skill 2Scan (detect depleted nodes, radius 600)
  • Skill 3Charge (charge depleted nodes, cast time 5 secs)
  • Skill 4Light Jump (range 900, height 500)
  • Skill 5Release Safety Lock (15 secs duration afterwards gain Overload for 7 secs)
    (scan radius +300, charge -3 secs cast time, light jump range +100 and height +200)

- Overload – All weapon functions are disabled

  • Photo-Infused Crystal Kracker Axe(P.I.C.K. Axe)
  • Skill 1Mine (5 per node)
  • Skill 2.1Throw Axe (range 1000, height 700 lasts for 10 secs)
  • Skill 2.2Pull (pull yourself to the axe)
  • Skill 3Breakthrough (breakthrough the rubble in the way)

Mining Suit (Mandatory equipment)

  • HealingLight Recovery (gain Regen for 10secs, 1 crystal to activate)
  • Utility 7Boost Mode (cure cripple, gain Swiftness for 10 secs, 2 crystals to activate)
  • Utility 8Balance Mode (gain Stability for 5 secs, 4 crystals to activate)
  • Utility 9Shock Absortion Shield (Immune to Falling damage for 8 secs, 8 crystals to activate)
  • EliteLight Travel – (warp to NPC deposit, 16 crystals to activate)

Auto-Spawn on Death at NPC deposit for 30 crystals
If the total amount of crystals (deposit + suit) is less than 30 at the time of Death the player will stay down and in Solo the mission wil end

  • Black Citadel – Protect the Pump
    “Warriors needed to keep the pump pumping

- Guard the pump from the rampaging enemies for as long as you can
– Mobs will appear in the mini-map
– Special Demolitionists will Kamikaze into the Pump
– Players will auto-spawn between waves until Wave Tier 3
– The pump will auto-repair between waves according to wave tier

  • Wave Tier 1 – 30% recovery
  • Wave Tier 2 – 20% recovery
  • Wave Tier 3 (Solo) – 15% recovery
  • Wave Tier 3 (Team) – repair tools will be scattered on the ground (each tool will repair a max of 4% until it disappears)
  • Divinity’s Reach – Hold the Fort
    “This is your spot to shine”

- Prevent enemies from capturing the Fort for as long as you can
– Enemies will come from multiple directions
Pvp capture rules in play
– Regain full control on wave end
– Players will auto-spawn between waves until Wave Tier 3

(edited by ShadowSanctus.4158)

A suggestion for Trait Unlocking

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


while yes, it would be totally amazing if trait unlocking was bound to new, unique challenges spread throughout the world, it’s also kind of an unrealistic amount of work to be poured at once. maybe now that they got the system laid out, they can work on making the challenges themselves more interesting.

I would be happy enough with the Trait Trainers giving you 2 options like “Pay or Hustle” and giving u a Quest to unlock the Trait when successful

A suggestion for Trait Unlocking

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


First of all, I would like to say Thank You for GW2

Now to the matter at hand:

I know i’ll be crucified for this but i like the fact that we have to work for our traits now but, what I don’t really agree with is the work you gave us…

I understand that some Low-to Mid Lvl Events were pretty much abandoned and forgotten by the players and that Trait Hunting gave them a 2nd breath but…

There’s something in having to join a Zerg to gain a Trait that seems wrong…
And Mapping for Traits sounds like a chore for most players…

So, my suggestion for Trait unlocking would be Challenge Missions (that could be performed Solo or on a Team) found on Instances in remote places across Tyria.
We could have Academies for each Trait Line and Tier located at different locations, for example:

Power Traits – Adept – Snowden Drifts
Power Traits – Master – Lornar’s Pass
Power Traits – GrandMaster – Timberline Falls

And so on…

For each Trait you’d get a different challenge at the cost of Skill Points
(Adept – 3SP Master – 6SP GrandMaster – 10SP)
with free retries until you exit the challenge…

Please give me your thoughts on this idea

Thank You

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowSanctus.4158


I noticed today that the Armored Attack Trait doesn’t sinergize with the Signet of Dolyak… You get the bonus on toughness but it doesn’t count for the 10% to attack… Is the trait only affected by armor and rune stats?