Showing Posts For ShalmaneserIII.8571:

Why Map Content Doesn't Last...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShalmaneserIII.8571


My issue, moreso with older maps is that with level 80 tokens now if I use one on my toon, what reason do I have to go back and go through the pre expansion maps? If I go into Caledon Forest with my level 80 necro, which has been lowered to the map level, and I finish it, what is my reward? Level 14 crap. Useless. If reward=level then suddenly I have a reason to go back and do older maps. A reason to complete older maps.

Story missions too unfair for solo players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShalmaneserIII.8571


My biggest problem is bugs where supposedly helpful NPC’s do not help and just stand there doing nothing while 10 mobs are on you. So a fight that would be 1+3 vs 10 becomes 1 vs 10. And even if the AI on NPC’s is lacking, they still are something that acts as a distraction. There were some story missions, especially in LS3 where the NPC’s did bugger all and I was getting killed so often that I just got fed up and left it. If I want stress, I’ll go to work. I do not need it from my entertainment

Unidentified gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShalmaneserIII.8571


^ Pretty much everything new is designed to generate gem sales as that is crucial to their business model. So I can’t say I blame them.

I can. It is an excellent way to tick off a portion of your player-base to make things that obvious.

It is a stupid idea, and one that needs to be removed before the expac goes live

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShalmaneserIII.8571


Had a thought for renegade.

At this stage renegade has as a weakness to conditions (very few cleanses), stuns (stun break on heal? really?) and mobility (only mobility you have is if you take shiro and you want to stick on target, otherwise you don’t even get reliable swiftness without glint.. wasn’t this class supposed to have the 2nd best mobility in game???).

So why so many blaring weaknesses? Could we maybe get a couple stunbreaks this legend? or since shortbow skill 3 is (terrible, reverse shotgun just… no) maybe we could get a blink skill in its place? like thief sb skill 5 or mesmer blink or druid staff 3? I mean it even has a portal theme for the shortbow it practically screams blink skill. At this point anything would help renegade in the mobility department.. =P

Leave the condition weakness if you must (prefer more condi clears but whatever) but please at least make it so we don’t have a stunbreak and mobility weakness too since all the nerfs to dodge stability and shiro costs etc…


Tried renegade, and was underwhelmed by it. It seems weak. As of now, it seems like staying Herald would be better than going Renegade, which seems bad considering other classes ( Weaver especially) got complete overhauls. I still cannot believe Rev’s did not get any other underwater legends. It seems like it is still an unfinished class, which, considering how long there has been to work on it, is disappointing. It’s not like we got a new class to play with this expac to take our focus away from how underwhelming Rev’s are.

Please Increase Bank Tab Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShalmaneserIII.8571


I just want the ability to compact and deposit from bank. It is there for inventory, why not for bank?

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShalmaneserIII.8571


If bag space is truly such an isssue, then why not add in a compact button to the bank screen? That would be more helpful then this unid bs that seems tailor made JUST to introduce something else to spend gems on. Do they think suddenly those of us who are not rich are going to convert gems to gold to pay for this added expense? That the only way to keep people in a zone is to tie this bs system to hearts? Seems like they have no faith in their game.
’Member when we had unid in GW1 that at least was sorted into rarities? I ’member. And if I want that system, I will hop on my old character and play GW1. Keep it out of GW2. Seriously.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShalmaneserIII.8571


If I want to id gear I’ll load up GW1 and play it. Do not bring back an old mechanic as a gold sink when not everyone is sitting on 1000’s of gold or even 100’s of gold. If I wanted to practice math, I’d go to night school. I do not want to do it in a game

more adventures? really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShalmaneserIII.8571


Despise adventures. Like, it actually makes me angry that they had masteries tied to them. So the whole “play how you want” was a bald faced lie. If I want aggravating mechanics that make playing a game more like “volunteering” for work I’ll farm rep in WoW. And the fact they kept them in suggests they are happy to move further from the “play how you want” philosophy that made GW2 so unique in the first place. Just unlock them from masteries ( and I mean retroactively, do it for HoT too). Hell, give people more unid’d items for getting gold since everyone loves id’ing gear… Seriously, stop gating things behind stupid unnecessary mechanics. Just lazy.