Showing Posts For Shaneration.8726:

Objectives Upgrade Automatically

in WvW

Posted by: Shaneration.8726


Worst idea ever…

form the time iv been in the game in tier 6 i believe. 2 high populated servers vs 1 low populated servers. ioj, sor and ar. 3 weeks running so obvs ppl have got bored of fighting same server over and over SOR barely even attend except from reset night and since ioj dosent have the population to counter either server AR has capped and fully upgraded most of the map including EB and since they are on at a completly diffrent time frame than ioj they cap everything when we are asleep. we are already waking up to fuly fortified eveything over night. and you want to introduce a auto upgrade system… all i can say is that anet clearly didnt think this through and have completly ignored what the wvw player actually wants. we are barely able to get 30-50 man zerg on reset night let along any other time. yet u have ar comign at us with at least 3-4x times that not in just 1 BL but all of them. skill dosent matter when u have 4x ur numbers rolling over you. we are preety much guaranteed outnumbered buff 99% of the time. which btw is totally usless.


in WvW

Posted by: Shaneration.8726


rofl i main a power ranger, longbow with sword + dagger. full zerker gear.the very defintion of glass cannon. i mainly roam in wvw solo or 3 man groups. zerging maybe once a week. i can tell u from expereince it really is not hard to dodge a rangers burst. and the burst itself even on full zerker is not really enough to down most players. thats why i stack it with bleeds. use pet for might switch to spider to imbolize. the sword dagger is only there when ppl get up close and i get chance to stack some poison. 9/10 if ur close to me and iv ran out of dodge /evades its game over. ranger is by no stretch of the imagination OP. but if played correctly it can be great class. just like any class. most ranger just open up and spam there skilsl without any thought and most wil open with burst skilll. by which time the other has predicted this dodged it got close and wrecked havoc. ranger dosent just have the burst u have stealth, knockback and way more utility than ppl think. but again things need to be executed at the right time. with some thought put into it. if ur guna stand there and let me use my no5 longbow skill to stack vulnerabilty while i imbolize u stacking some bleeds ofc ur guna go down. ranger is great class and can do just as good in melee as in range. ofc there are alot of classes which can do better in most scenarios. but there isnt much i have issues with while in wvw. unless its my own stupid mistake.