Showing Posts For Sharius.5934:

The role of Thieves, and the lack there-of.

in Thief

Posted by: Sharius.5934


sPvP and WvW stealth is probably the most broken and overpowered ability we have, and our burst is astounding.

Steah is not OP in any way, other than helping you run. I belevie someone talked about how regen in stealth helped, but that amount is (correct me if they changed it in the last 2 days) somewhere around 213 per tick. Negligible, which is balanced with the other classes’ regen, so that’s not an issue. While we may have a lot of traits for stealth and numerous ways to enter it, I think the biggest bonus I’ve seen is that 100% crit opener (which is pretty nice when the enemy’s health is low) and gaining some initiative. And you may say we have burst, but compared to other classes, our burst isn’t burst, and ours is done by using all of our utilities at once, then spamming Heartseeker until they die. The only time I’ve found a reason to use anything other than that is when I see 3 people in a row (usually just NPC summons) and Death Blossom has a use, or when I want to use Cloak and Dagger to get some more initiative and slow down the fight a little for CDs. While I don’t think stealth needs an overhaul, it does need a little tweaking to help balance it out, and (personally) I’d like to have reasons to use all my skills other than once every 5 min, and not have to rely on my CDs to get anything done.