Showing Posts For Sheaboy.8720:
Hello everyone,
I’m not sure whether or not this topic has come up, to be frank I’d be extremely surprised if it hasn’t. But just the same, I’d like to discuss as my title suggests some in-game way of altering a character’s appearance in-game after the initial character creation. I’m refering specifically to cosmetic things like hair style/color, tattoo style/color, for in-game currency. I’d also like to see something done where one can change their character’s physicality, such as height, skin color/patterns, horns, physique, face, eye-color and even gender etc. However, I understand if the latter required gems or real-money (though I’d -really- prefer it to just be in-game money, and not too spendy for the ADD people like moi!). I also realize that changing one’s race would be -far- too complicated (impossible basically) due to the personal story feature (which I -LOVE-!) or class, I’m talking -purely- aesthetics, not function.
The reason I mention this is because as mentioned above, I suffer from a chronic desire to have my character be exactly the way I imagine him or her to be in my mind, otherwise I find it difficult and even impossible to enjoy playing the character, which often results in my inability to play. Now I’m not saying all people who want for this feature to as severe as I, but come on … Anybody can say that they might change a thing or two about their character, if not from a mistake not noticed in the initial character’s creation until recently or just some change in one’s favorite and higher-level characters who couldn’t stand the thought of re-rolling them. Speaking personally, I on average, create a character 7 or 8 times until I’m (more or less) either too weary of re-rolling to do it again or am moderately pleased with the character. Usually, some of those times I don’t even actually change anything. What I’m getting at is, it would probably put my mind at east just knowing I had the (easily accessible for a price) option to alter my character’s appearance in some way should I have the overwhelming desire to.
I sincerely appreciate all the work that Arena Net has put into making the game better for its’ players, something not often found with such large and complicated games like MMO’s, and after playing World of Warcraft for 5 years, am already favoring GW2. But, being someone who seeks immersion above nearly all else, it would help me continue to avidly enjoy all the game has to offer if I (and my OCD) can actually stand -playing- my character should a desire for change arise (which I think most people can admit they are guilty of). From other GW2 related blogs, I find other people struggling with the same desire for such a feature. This is something I’d like to see done in the near future, and would love any support from fellow GW2 players in giving this idea a greater voice.
Thank you everyone for reading!