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Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: ShingXiao.8754


Stopped watching 3 minutes in, I have one piece of advice for you..

Fast Cast!!!!!! (In options called fast cast ground targeting, the spell casts where your mouse is instantly when you hit the skill) Why oh why don’t you use it, especially being S/D those milliseconds or even a second when casting dragons tooth could mean the difference between hitting or missing.

I prefer to be much more accurate when you the normal ground targeting rather than fast targeting, because there is too much room for error when using it. There are times when your mouse pointer twitches off to either side of the screen and if you happen to be using fast targeting at that time you pretty much wasted a skill.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Community Creations

Posted by: ShingXiao.8754


Hi, hope you guys can enjoy.

Please leave any constructive criticism.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: ShingXiao.8754


Hi there, I hope you guys enjoy.

Please leave any constructive criticism, thanks.