Hellos Gw2 Forum,
This is my first time commenting on gw2 forums but I finally felt the incredible urge to express my discontent for the past 3 days while attempting to play the game. At this point, Anet should first somehow stop the DDOS attacks on their end, and then rollback everyone’s progress in the game to the state it was before the DDOS attacks happened because I think that’s the fairest way for people who complained about pvp/wvw pip loss along with not being able to obtain any raid loot in pve. I think this is the fairest way to solve all the discontent currently brewing in the Gw2 community by reverting back the game to it’s original state 3 days ago. This way everyone is back to where they were 3 days ago with no losses and no gains. I hope you guys will consider this seriously as an alternative peaceful solution after the DDOS attacks stop.
-Best wishes,