Showing Posts For Shirya.9327:

Need PvP Tourny Help

in Guardian

Posted by: Shirya.9327


And remember to use all of your skills! Build all of your specs by thinking all skills and traits to the very end, like use meditation skills with good buffing traits (like Valor’s “Monk’s focus”). Every skill must have a reason why you need it to your build and also think at the same time if you can have that same benefit from some other skill combination.

Shirya Silverpeak
Rank 44 Norn Guardian
Leader of Harbinger [Gandara]

Need PvP Tourny Help

in Guardian

Posted by: Shirya.9327


Good specs all which have been linked to this topic and all of them are for a little bit different kinds of situations and play styles. It is true that GW2 gives multiple choices concerning builds, and that’s what I like. I’ve played quite similar spec as a bunker about 2-3 months ago, mace-shield and staff with heals. Though I realised the same that that kind of support role is not necessary in TPvP because low amount of players in the field at the same time who you are supposed to support.

Then I’ve tried pure dps with sigil of rage, and god I loved that kind a high dps and quick dps mode! But that build died for lack of cond removals, which made me to think build all over again. So then we come to the build I use now. Have to say first that people have their own way to play and people prefer different kind of skills and stuff, so don’t worry if my build or some other’s build wont work on you. Just make sure that you learn each thing of every build you see so you can create your own one.

Simply, this build is based on blocks, blinds and condition removals with a little amount of DPS. I realised with a bunker build that when you don’t do any damage to attacking enemy he’s just gonna keep going with the DPS until you’re down. When you have a little bit more DPS than usual bunker does you are much more difficult to win when you can actually fight back. Rune of Lyssa gives your elite skill to remove all conditions (especially good when attacked by loads of condition damage). Also you’re “Smite Condition” removes every 16 seconds one condition and heals about 2k. I have found this build quite good against for example bunker guardians. I have as much stamina as bunker does but I can actually kill him with that DPS or at least make him vulnerable for thief or someone else to finish up. With all those weps (mace-shield, sword-focus) you have 4 blocks just from the wep skills and you remove conditions with Virtue of Resolve, Elite Skill, Smite Condition, Focus’ second skill and with Healing skill’s passive effect. TIP! You can also switch “Retreat” to “Judge’s intervention” which gives you another Meditation skill which heals and teleport. But speed buff or teleport with more healing, that’s a tough call.

Hopefully these points help even a little bit.

Shirya Silverpeak
Rank 44 Norn Guardian
Leader of Harbinger [Gandara]

(edited by Shirya.9327)

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Shirya.9327


Here’s my guardian with a new rank 40 gear! Shortly after this pic changed gear to the Koda from Vigil.


Shirya Silverpeak
Rank 44 Norn Guardian
Leader of Harbinger [Gandara]

[Gandara] Finnish guild Harbinger recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Shirya.9327


Harbinger is a medium size Finnish guild and it has been founded 9th March 2011. Originally, it was established to Star Wars: The Old Republic, but now we have expanded to GW2 and The Secret World. Our guild consists of experienced players and newcomers, so we try to organize pleasant events and activities to everyone. All our members are at least 16-year-old and they have some kind of experience from mmo-games.

We are more a casual guild, but we still expect our members to have some kind of dedication to the guild without forgetting all the fun part. We encourage our guild members to work together that we don’t grow some massive guild full of random people.

In GW2 we have tournament runs everyday and every week we have multiple runs in instances. WvWvW is now in smaller part of our activities, but at least every month we like to make “a guild raid” for the WvWvW.

We have own Mumble server and website.

We are recruiting at least 16-year-old Finnish players. All classes and races are welcome! If you got interested, please make an application in our website:


Harbinger on nykyään kolmessa mmo-pelissä (SWTOR, GW2 ja The Secret World) vaikuttava suomalainen kilta, joka on perustettu alunperin SWTORiin 9.3.2011. Olemme tiivis ja melko pieni yhteisö, ja arviolta kaikkiin pelikiltoihin kuuluu yhteensä n. 70 aktiivista jäsentä.

Guild Wars 2-peliin Harbinger perustettiin heti julkaisussa Gandara-serverille. Järjestämme päivittäin tournamentteja kiltaporukalla, sekä instailujakin on lähes joka päivä. WvWvW on pienemmässä roolissa kiltamme toiminnassa, mutta käymme sielläkin tarkastamassa tilanteen aina vähintään kuukausittain isommalla porukalla. Kiltamme koostuu n. 30 aktiivisesta jäsenestä, ja kaikki jäsenet ovat vähintään 16-vuotiaita.

Etsimme vähintään 16-vuotiaita suomen kieltä puhuvia pelaajia kiltaamme. Kaikki classit ovat tervetulleita! Tutustu lisää kiltaamme tai tee hakemus osoitteessa:

Shirya Silverpeak
Rank 44 Norn Guardian
Leader of Harbinger [Gandara]

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shirya.9327


Same here.

Enter PVP
1st Map [OK]
2nd Map [Endless Loading Screen]
Re-enter the game

Now return to start

Sure you can do that, but your motivation is falling very low when it seems to be happening almost every spvp match you play, like my motivation did just before I wrote this. Three times loading screen bugs when died three times, so not seriously gonna start game every time I die… This thing here has been going on way too long, hope you’ll seriously do something for this. Really hate this game right now for this very unplayable situation.

Shirya Silverpeak
Rank 44 Norn Guardian
Leader of Harbinger [Gandara]