Showing Posts For Shoo.9016:

70 persons per server per map - bug ?

in WvW

Posted by: Shoo.9016


So, we got wall of silence there. Again.
It seems strange that ANet cannot say smth like “Ok, people, its just a bug, we are trying to fix it”, or “Nope, its not a bug, we are just milking you on transfers”.

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Shoo.9016


There was an answer, that queues is not a bug. So, devs can fix their code, and they did it.

Tired of Queues? Come to Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Shoo.9016


I haven’t met the enemy on ET since I started WvW last October.

I `ve fix it a bit.

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Shoo.9016


So, lets say “Tnx” for ANet for tottaly ruined WvW.
Its seem this is not bug, but conscious decision.

Stuck on Map Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shoo.9016


1) Re-Check all cities.
2) Re-Check all wvw maps
3) Re-Check Chantry of Secrets, Vigil and Durmand Priory bases.
There are all vistas and POIs.

Ive got same problem, but find out all missed vistas on WvW maps.
Also, re check pve-maps, cause i found missed waypoints on already opened maps

(edited by Shoo.9016)

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shoo.9016


There are no “best” choise for WvW. Most of prof-s are playable and needed at some situations.
Warriors and Thieves → High burst damage
Guardians, Elems, Engi → Nice support
Ele, Rangers, Engi, Necro → AoE damage
Warriors, Guards, Rangers – > melee semi-tank fighters.
Mesmers → range damage + support + portals.
And so on.
U need to choose your profession based on your priorities (teamplay\zergplay\solo-play, support\damager and so on), and needs of your guild\warband.

About Ele and PVE. You just do somthing wrong.
At first, if you playing right – you will not be hitted at all.
Some builds of ele are quite unkillable, ikittennow what to do. Another one (glasscannons) got HUGE AoE and Single-Taget damage, but diyng by few hits.