EU – Vabbi
Showing Posts For Shurewing.3856:
EU – Vabbi
Now looking for an experienced Necromancer and an Elementalist.
EU – Vabbi
We’re just looking for an experienced Necromancer for raids. We are a small casual WvW guild on the EU server Ruins of Surmia, currently locked in Bronze T7. We currently raid with around a small 10 of experienced players. We use the server’s Community TeamSpeak, contact us and I’m sure we’ll have a chat and you can find out if its your cup of tea. Transfer won’t be a problem.
– Shurewing.3856
– nibba.3581
EU – Vabbi
Oh and our primes arent so bad we can certainly hold against reasonable enemy servers. This week we are face with Gunnar’s Hold though, which is completely out of our league.
EU – Vabbi
Ty for your reply. But yes we have a community site and TeamSpeak Community server to boot. We could possibly promote that more as we’re only managing 100-150 max on prime time (not representative of our WvW numbers as we have PvE guilds in there too). I agree our community site could be put to better use and encourage more activity on there, its certainly something i can try to push in activity. We have a few WvW guilds and we make use of the whisper function in TeamSpeak to coordinate attacks. So we are a capable server, just one with low numbers. Perhaps we could host some events? Not sure what though.
EU – Vabbi
Hi, I’m a (hardcore-ish) WvW player currently on the EU server Ruins of Surmia. It is siting in T6/7 atm in rankings. Our WvW population is quite low. I wouldn’t say we are a dead server by any means but our coverage isn’t ideal, I’m sure fellow low tier servers can relate to this
Mostly what I wanted to discuss is what could we do to get more people into WvW, possibly via our PvE community (which is really hard to find due to the megaserver) or somehow via transfers? Also how to encourage/train scouting and commanding? Especially with the new testing thats going to happen this month, scouting will be more important, also havoc groups would be nice too.
Our biggest obstacle is that we dont have the WvW population to support all of this and afford to spread out our forces. I’m sure this is something that’s an issue for most if not all bronze or low tiered servers. I would really like to hear your thoughts and ideas or suggestions from someone in the same position as us or from a more established WvW server
EU – Vabbi
The Ruins of Surmia Community is looking for active WvW guilds. Ruins of Surmia is currently sitting in Bronze League at Rank 23. The cost of transfer is 1,000 gems. We have a friendly Community and work together during raids. Currently our Guilds in WvW are: AMB, ANBU, AT, Epic, EWvW(reformed into dM), Fus, GASP, IM, Much, QQ and Zero.
We can provide:
- A friendly community, with a community TeamSpeak welcoming all new guilds.
- Many open raids.
- Barely any queues except rarely on prime time, but the queues will be small if any at all.
- Weekly community meetings before reset.
- Experienced guilds willing to help and offer support.
- Good communication and teamwork in the battlefield.
- Fun server events such as class nights and training events.
We are looking for:
- Small and medium sized WvW Guilds willing to play, work together and co-operate with the community.
- Guilds that are able to provide night and early morning coverage for EU time zones.
- Small roaming groups or guilds.
If you are a guild leader, part of a guild, a group of friends or solo and is interested in transferring, please discuss and consider Ruins of Surmia and be part of our community. You can contact any of the following WvW Leaders:
- [ANBU] Dragon Warrior Kai (snake.6734)
- [dM] Sergeant Smelly (nibba.3581)
- [Epic] Burzakonis (burzak.9352)
- [AT] Toxotronic (Arantheal.7396)
EU – Vabbi