Showing Posts For Sibelius.3187:

Critical Impact / NA / TC / LF WvW & Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sibelius.3187


Hi — first, a disclaimer: I am currently on Isle of Janthir. I’d be willing to switch in the near future, but I’m a bit broke right now (poor grad student).

Anyway, I came back to GW2 about a month ago after a pretty long break from the game, and I’m having a blast. I’m mostly interested in endgame PvE, but I’m not too experienced with it yet. I’ve done quite a few runs in the CoE, Cof, and Arah explorable dungeons, but I don’t have experience with the others. I’ve dipped into fractals, but would like to get more experienced with those as well! I’d be interested in doing some WvW once I switched servers, but PvE would be my main focus.

So, if this sounds OK, it would be awesome to be a part of the guild!

Warrior bug compilation. [Closed, used the sticky]

in Warrior

Posted by: Sibelius.3187


The warrior’s minor master trait, “Building Momentum,” (Level 15 in the Strength trait line) does not work properly with the 1-handed sword’s burst skill, “Flurry.” “Building Momentum” is supposed to refill half of the endurance bar upon use of the warrior’s burst skill, but no endurance is refilled when “Flurry” is used. The trait works properly with the burst skills of the warrior’s other weapons.

Warrior's Lvl. 15 Strength Trait bugged for 1-handed sword

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sibelius.3187


The warrior’s minor master trait, “Building Momentum,” (Level 15 in the Strength trait line) does not work properly with the 1-handed sword’s burst skill, “Flurry.” “Building Momentum” is supposed to refill half of the endurance bar upon use of the warrior’s burst skill, but no endurance is refilled when “Flurry” is used. The trait works properly with the burst skills of the warrior’s other weapons.