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Progression and Crafting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SidGWGamer.8750


Well, I decided to check out tailor since I was tired of running around killing things. I already had some mats in bank, and some insignia i had bought cheap, so I placed some bids at the TP and waited a bit for them to roll in. At start, i had 33s1c in cash, 213 scraps, 158 bolts, and 21 spools. I wanted to get more cash, so sold 50 scraps for a little under 14s. I also got impatient and crafted 3 sandal uppers. Other than discoveries, I needed to craft 2 additional items to hit 25. I still have about 20s in TP items waiting to sell, and now have 43s. If you factor out the scraps I sold, I guess I was down about 4 or 5 silver, but I also have a number of components for the 25-50 round of crafting. And I only used 6 bolts of jute total to get there.

If you use the TP efficiently and use discovery, you can turn a decent profit from crafting. If you don’t do either, you should probably not bother with crafting, as it would be a huge cash sink.