I only play PvE and so far I have not found a build that equals the damage of my previous set up. In low level areas my level 80 would often 1 shot mobs, now it’s 3 or 4 shots. I’m not saying this is a terrible thing , I was probably over powered before the patch in low area. Even though I know this it still ticks me off that I seem weaker. I’ll probably get over it.
The place that it’s seemed worst so far is dungeons. prepatch 3 of us running well spec’d Rangers could go through Twilight Arbor with a little effort. The night of the patch 5 of us got our hats handed to us about half war through. I realize that the point is to have to work at it little but that much of a change is a little demoralizing. I purchased the $100 upgrade and I’m finding that even before it’s gone live I’ve been scanning the web for something else to play. Maybe HoT will make me feel different when it goes live but at this point I’m feeling like they fixed a game that wasn’t broken.