Sanctum of Rall
Showing Posts For Signal.9763:
Sanctum of Rall
As a native to SoR and someone who briefly fought alongside OldRoar in Warhammer Online, I’d like to give a heartfelt thank you to all those who made this T1 victory possible. I have been active in WvW since the week the game launched and I can definitely say it’s been a hard, long road, which is exactly how OldRoar would have wanted it. The fact that this apparently comes on the week of his birthday, something I wasn’t aware of until recently… it’s actually a bit moving. Of all my years competing in online games, this week will definitely be one of a handful of highlights.
BG and JQ, honestly, we couldn’t ask for better opponents. With the minor exception of some of the forum trolls all three servers seem to have, your two communities are incredible. We all have reason to be proud. My hat is off to you all and I look forward to us tossing the T1 crown back and forth for many months to come.
Toward that end I really would like to back up some of the previous posts by Letoll and Polimassa. Let’s cool down on the massive recruitment until we see where the dust settles in T1. One or two week’s score isn’t enough to show a pattern. When more data is in, all three of our communities should endeavor to see that the weakest T1 server gets the help. Stacking a dominant server or pulling possible recruits away from the weaker server hurts us all.
Cheers to T1… all of us in T1.
Sanctum of Rall
Great fights over the weekend, for what little time I got to play. Had a fun night hopping between BG and JQ BLs on Sunday. Now if only I could get those pesky pre-cursors to drop like everyone gloats about!
You may have a long wait Thundar. Let me explain. You see, in typical MMO design, the tougher the creature the better the loot. Anet has decided that this should apply to WvW as well. Thus we’re dropping pre-cursors for our friends on JQ and BG. Meanwhile, all our opponents are dropping for me are ruined plant fibers… Wait I take that back, one JQ did drop a white, level 15 dagger. I got 15c for that beauty!
Take that back, my plant fibers are far from ruined
No offense! I just figured it was the leftovers of all that omnomberry compote y’all down right before a big fight. Mayhap they should be renamed to omnomberry sliders…
Awe ok, I take it back.
Sanctum of Rall
Great fights over the weekend, for what little time I got to play. Had a fun night hopping between BG and JQ BLs on Sunday. Now if only I could get those pesky pre-cursors to drop like everyone gloats about!
You may have a long wait Thundar. Let me explain. You see, in typical MMO design, the tougher the creature the better the loot. Anet has decided that this should apply to WvW as well. Thus we’re dropping pre-cursors for our friends on JQ and BG. Meanwhile, all our opponents are dropping for me are ruined plant fibers… Wait I take that back, one JQ did drop a white, level 15 dagger. I got 15c for that beauty!
Sanctum of Rall
There has never been a better time to be on SoR. We are having so much fun! Never a dull moment in such a target rich environment!
I have to give a shout out to KnT. Pound-for-pound some of the toughest folks I’ve fought against so far and a class act on these forums. Well done!
Sanctum of Rall
Forget the competition on the field! What we have here is a serious competition to see who can post the most screen shots showing their server in the lead for potential points! Some even complete with “uber leet” map shots showing their server holding the most dots.
So far it’s clear BG is way in the lead. JQ needs to step up their skillz at hitting Print Screen at opportune times and posting them!
Sanctum of Rall
I am from SoR and as far as the GvG wipe goes, I was indeed disappointed when I heard that happened. Just know that most of us would never participate in such a thing. That said, I think you all are being melodramatic.
During my browsing of this thread though, I did see a few posts that struck me as fascinating and I just want so see if I’m reading this correctly… Is JQ really criticizing SoR (or any other server for that matter) for zerging? I thought I was in a bad episode of the Twighlight Zone and I just wanted to make sure I read that correctly. If I am reading that correctly then Pot, I’d like you to meet Kettle!!
Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Signal.9763)
Carlotta The Red – 80 Guardian of Sanctum of Rall.
Sanctum of Rall
I also play a thief and zergs that actually know what they are doing will kill you within 30 seconds every single time.
Really? Needing a small zerg just to kill ONE thief trolling a cap point doesn’t sound ridiculous to you?
Another aspect to this is that one player being able to delay a group from capping a supply depot for 30 seconds can be critical in the points race that is WvWvW. Compound that if there is an uncoordinate PUG that allows the thief to hold the depot for longer, or possibly indefinitely, and the problem is real.
I can see how this would be immensely amusing to the thief though!
Let ArenaNet fix the culling issues for WvW first and we’ll see how much of a difference that makes. Then maybe we should address the class itself. Or just impliment a simple fix such as disallowing stealthed players from affecting the status of a capture ring.
Sanctum of Rall