Showing Posts Upvoted By Siigari.6587:

Where do the Developers look for feedback?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


Don’t think they care, honestly.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bravoart.5308


I’ve been to malchor’s leap today to get the farmers away from there. What kind of impression do you think you give a new player when he goes to finish a temple event to buy his first ever pair of exotics and gets chased away by people swearing at him, because they want the event not completed and the temple not open so that they could continue getting sweet lootz?
If you want to farm go and do it in places where it doesn’t affect other players or ruin our world. Like the easy to run dungeon paths or go and kill mobs somewhere in the open world. Do not stop events from progressing and do not try to stop people completing them.

Now there’s close to 20 events in the world that give you a guaranteed rare (see ecto and yellow prices – those are falling because of easy to get rares and rewarding world events) the same events have a high chance to drop a unique exotic or a precursor.

Definition: “High Chance” – (org: Guild Wars 2.) Having a shot in the dark chance of getting something (you won’t.) while fighting a constant stream of nerfs to anything that could possibly be fun or worth your time.


  • Where’s my kittening loot?
  • This wasn’t worth the teleport.
  • kittenty greens again?!
  • Oh look, the same person who got a Precursor a week ago got another one.
  • When the kitten is Wildstar coming out?
Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”

What was in today's patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

There were an excessive number of bots at that location on several servers, so the spawns during the event (only) had their loot reduced. No changes were made to any creature outside the event, including wraiths in other locations. We tried to find the simplest, safest change possible. I hope that answers the question, but I really don’t want to get into a debate about “What is farming?” or “Does farming hurt the economy?” or “Economy? It’s a game, who cares?”

Question: if they knew there were bots there, why nerf the loot, rather than banning the bots outright? I smell a red herring…

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


tldr at bottom


I liked this game
I’ve been playing this game since release and for the longest time I’ve been your supporter of this fine game. I’ve played most of the content in this game (with exception of sPvP) over 2000 hours and have spent close to $1000 in gems to show my appreciation. I can tell you that this game has been well worth my money and time.

But the changes you have made in the past 5 months have made me very disappointed. I want to play this game for years, but you are making it harder for me to continue playing this game and enjoying it. It’s no coincidence that I have not spent a single $ since December on gems.

I’m sure it is your objective to improve this game so much that people will want to keep playing but I feel you making misguided changes in regards to farming.

Content is not the issue
I have no gripes about the content of the game. Living Story is a fantastic idea and you are implementing it well. I’m not particular into dungeons, but I find that you provide a wide variety of atmospheres and difficulties to satisfy that crowd. WvW of course is loved/hated, but most of my memories in game have come from exciting WvW matches. I’m confident that will improve.

But I’m very disappointed in the decisions to make content less rewarding each month. Constant nerfs to events that are efficient for the playerbase to farm are changed to make it less rewarding. First you nerfed plinx, which was a very popular karma chain but you changed the cooldown time significantly to the point that very few people do it now. Then came the shelt/pen nerfs – through the veteran/champion introductions and then recently the veteran/champion buffs plus loot-less spiderlings (honestly, who wants to beat on a spider for 2 minutes and get not even 1 copper or a porous bone?). Then came the grub farming event at the shores, which probably didn’t even need a nerf since if it got too popular, mobs would die too fast and no one would get any loot!

And now once again, the newest farming point, Lyssa, has been nerfed to the ground. Wraiths apparently don’t drop anything anymore. It’s not a coincidence that the single best reason for this farm was t6 dust came from Wraiths – and they got nerfed.

MMOs and farming go together. You cannot have an MMO that has zero farming. Farming is a PLAYER choice. People who choose to farm are doing content which is most efficient for them. Farming certain events rewards you with the most gold per hour you invest in game. No one will want to do an event that is not rewarding enough. Players will ALWAYS look for the most efficient place to get rewarded. Just look at two of those events that I mentioned. Grub farming and Lyssa farm were both there since release, available to farm. There were no content changes at all that made it profitable to do in the past few months. The only reason why we learned about these events was because players sought out the next best event to farm. After shelt/pen was nerfed to the ground, people on Sea of Sorrows started to notice that grubs was a great farm. So I spread the news to Yaks Bend and it started to gain traction. When the grubs got nerfed, I heard that Lyssa was the best place to farm, so I went there. And I’m confident that now that Lyssa farm is gone, all these people will go to Southsun to farm until it’s gone. After that, someone is going to find the next best place, whether that is in Malchor or FSG.

So Anet, your never-ending battle against people who want to be efficient and farm is a lost cause. You can keep nerfing these events to the ground until you end up with a bunch of events in end-game zones that are not rewarding anymore. Suddenly, new players will look around them at seasoned players and want to get all their shiny weapons and armor. But when they try and do events, they wonder how in the world can they afford that stuff? When loot drops are scarce?


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