Showing Posts For Silent Polaris.9301:

Home Portal Stone Question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

So, the patch notes state this about the Home Portal Stone: “The new Home Portal Stone is now available in the Services category for 900 gems. Players can instantly travel to their home city instance and return to their original location on demand.”

What I want to know is if they plan on adding more useful merchants and a bank in our Home Instances, because right now the Home Portal Stone is absolutely useless if all it does is take us to the home instance and back to where we were. We cannot get mining picks or salvage kits in there, there’s no bank or trading post, etc. So I guess my question is what exactly is the benefit of it, and why it should be worth 900 gems?

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Sup. Krait Rune and Eng. Supply Crate Elite

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

The 6th bonus from a full set of Superior Krait runes does not provide the bleeding, poison, and torment when using the Engineer’s Supply Crate elite skill. I haven’t tested it on any other elites except the Mistfire Wolf, which worked just fine with it. Is anyone else having this issue with any other elites?

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Loot chest after Holo Boss

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I’ve actually done that since I’ve missed it twice now xD

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Loot chest after Holo Boss

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I was wondering if anyone else was running into the issue of forgetting to loot the large chest after the Holo Battle? I’ve forgotten it 2 times now, the first time I didn’t even know there was a chest because of the mob of people standing on it, the second time because I flat out forgot because I was focused on making sure I got into the Scarlet’s End instance.

This is probably a long shot, but is there any way that ANet could make that chest one of those flashing chests or something? I don’t want to keep missing out on that loot because I forgot the chest is there because I cannot see it. If not, this is something that should be kept in mind for future events.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

(edited by Silent Polaris.9301)

Answered: Deafeated Music

in Audio

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

There’s a new track that plays when we are dead/defeated, and I would really like to know what it is called and where I can find it! Someone made a youtube video with the music:

Can anyone help?

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Have we heard anything about what will happen to the Wayfarer’s trinkets you could buy with karma at Melandru? Will those turn into the “click and select a new stat”?

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

New Celestial Recipe Required Level 80

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I am curious as to why you need to be level 80 in order to use the celestial recipes? I have a level 400 jeweler who is only level 30, so she cannot use the recipes. Is this intended or is it just a bug?

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

(edited by Silent Polaris.9301)

Dragon Pinatas

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Were you in a party and had a party member smash the pinata before you? Because me and a friend are having the same issue right now. >.<

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Drakes with Ichor Breath

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I was running around in Cursed Shore today and noticed that under drake’s name it says “Ichor Breath”, however there was nothing about this in the patch notes or the wiki, but it gave me a condition. Anyone know what the condition does or why it wasn’t mentioned?

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Will Moto be remove when SAB is gone..?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Here is my question, will the bauble bubbles be spendable when SAB comes back? I have 47 (thanks for not giving us the message saying there would be an update coming soon…-_-) and I want to know if I should spend them now, or save them for future SAB rewards.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

New Build on 3.15.2013 - Any Patch Notes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Those notes were posted 9 hours ago though, so I wonder what was in this most recent update…

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

2/22 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

hey HoD, whyd u make a treb to take back a camp >.>

Also, rocking a charzooka now!

We made a treb because y’all were camping our spawn. Also, you might want to check your character Sororita, it seemed like you were glitching into the floor a lot when we were fighting you

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

laurel ranger boxes disabled after 2/26 patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I just went ahead and bought ranger gear with my laurels, and I cannot open them either

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Also, the lack of respect is appalling from Kaineng, dancing on corpses, laughing etc, it’s just not needed guys.

I took the time to ask people earlier while commanding why the keep doing that. They all pretty much said they are doing it BECAUSE of the forums. So in turn, by people complaining and being disrespectful here, they are doing it back.

I am sorry, but that is still incredibly childish. Two wrongs do not make a right. “OMG people are complaining about us on the forums, so we should dance on and laugh at their dead bodies.” It’s roughly the same people commenting on this thread, and there are tons more who don’t even read the forums that often. So they get really mad that people are being so rude and have no sense of honor. What am I supposed to tell my friends when they get annoyed that their bodies are being danced on again? “Sorry guys, but we have this coming. Kaineng doesn’t like us complaining about how unfair the matchup is.” I haven’t seen too many HoD complaints on here (haven’t checked in a few days though, so I might have missed something), but I am still finding myself being laughed at and danced on when I get mauled by the zergs. >.<

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I would like to thank everyone in Kaineng in the HoD BL right now spawn camping us and dancing with your 5 ballistas. You are so obviously the more talented group of people. Don’t worry though, we will still fight you to the end, and do so with honor.

…It’s things like this that make me consider never going back to Kaineng. I know that it’s not -all- the “New” players, there’s likely some of the “Older Kaineng” Players who weren’t willing to fight DR because they didn’t wanna lose doing this. It’s completely disgusting and unworthy of us. I’d apologize for them, but since I know it won’t stop it would be an empty gesture. Instead I will simply say: At least Kaineng will not be your opponents long, if you want to run Dungeons or something feel free to Message me if you need another person.

I appreciate that there are other people out there that disagree with those tactics. We actually just kicked Kaineng out of that camp, and it was glorious. They must have gotten tired of spawn camping and moved elsewhere.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I would like to thank everyone in Kaineng in the HoD BL right now spawn camping us and dancing with your 5 ballistas. You are so obviously the more talented group of people. Don’t worry though, we will still fight you to the end, and do so with honor.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Question about legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

You really didnt look online did you?
Here’s an example of a legendary:
Look in the box on the right.
It says Soulbound On Use

My apologies, I didn’t look at any specific legendary, I just looked for information on legendaries in general. You could try not to be so rude though. I figured I would have found nice help in Players Helping Players.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Question about legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I couldn’t find an answer online anywhere, but are legendary weapons soulbound on acquire, or soulbound on use? Thank you!!!

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Voice of the Mad King?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I just saw the tweet myself, so mystery solved! Thanks everyone

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Voice of the Mad King?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I agree, he does sound like Bane now that I think about it. xD

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Voice of the Mad King?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Okay…so I am not sure if anyone will be able to answer this for me, but does anyone know who does the voice of the Mad King? It sounds really familiar, and I absolutely love his voice, it fits him really well!

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Halloween Act 2 Info Compilation

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I’m a little sad about Act 2 and the locations. I thought ANet said that the Halloween events would be open to all players, but the last few locations require your character to be around level 55 if you don’t want to get helplessly murdered. Luckily for me I have guildmates who are at or above that level that can help me (my highest character is 35 at the moment), but I feel like I need to grind through those areas in order to complete Act 2. I understand they want to tell a story, but I wish they would have something in place that would mark your character as doing the quest so it would temporarily level you to the level of the area you need to be in. I just feel bad for anyone who has to solo the second act and doesn’t have a character high enough level yet. :/

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

One of my favorite moments came after finishing an escort style DE into the middle of a swampy area. On the way back out, I noticed a flashing warning sign at the base of a mountain that read DANGER, as I walked up to it, naturally, I noticed another sign a little further up the mountain. Ooh! This looks exciting. I continued searching, finding sign after sign on my way up this mountain, building anticipation. “What could possibly require this much warning for adventurers? It must be something epic, I’m going to have my kitten handed to me!” I finally reach a clearing just below the summit of the mountain, and I notice the entrance to a cave tucked away behind a boulder. “This is it, moment of truth, adrenaline pumping, weapons at the ready!” I charged around the boulder and… There before me was the cutest little Asura you can imagine, completely surrounded by rabbits. I just about died laughing, because here I was prepped for a battle of epic proportions, and I discover this little nook hideaway belonging to a sweet little Asura with a very touching story about her rabbits. I sheathed my weapons and just sat next to her, enjoying the conversation and watching the rabbits hop around.

I love the moments this game provides.

Where did you find this? I really want to know!!!

Also, I am not sure I can list all of the unforgettable moments, but I too remember wandering into the grub cave in Queensdale with the warning sign. I was wandering around with my boyfriend when I saw some rune stone thing, and I was like “I wonder what this does…”. So I pick it up, and a giant cave troll comes out of nowhere. I immediately dropped the rune stone and freaked out, then I realized I was the one who called it there and felt really bad and anyone else in the cave was being helplessly slaughtered. >_<

This game is amazing, from the scenery to the random NPC dialogues, just…everything is awesome about this game and I see myself playing it for years to come.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Option to hide Commander Icons...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Yeah…we need an option to turn off those icons. Also, it shouldn’t be something you can buy. You should have to earn it by completing objectives in WvW, similar to how they have titles you can get by completing certain achievements.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Make Trait Distribution free once unlocked

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I agree, it would be nice to be able to adjust your trait points at will, but make it how it was in the original Guild Wars—you can only shift the points around when you are in the major town for each racial area.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

"Looking for Group" chat channel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Not sure if this has already been suggested or not, but is there a way that a separate channel can be added to the in game chat for people looking for groups for dungeons and such? I know there is a “looking for group” menu under the contacts menu, but it seems nobody really uses it, and I would like to be able to filter out messages where people are looking for groups when I am not interested in doing dungeons. Thanks!

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Guild Members Show on Map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I would really love to see this as well!

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

Old Oola's Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

I’m having the same issue just now, submitted a bug report myself

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

How and Where Do I Report Spam Mail Advertising Gold For Sale?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

What I have done is taken a screenshot and submitted a ticket under the type “Violation Report”. I included the player name, and made note in the ticket that I did not need a response, and uploaded the screenshot. I titled the ticket “Gold Seller/Spammer” as well.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi