Showing Posts For SilentPhoenix.2916:
Gee how do you guys make som much money. I`m level 53 with 3g , might have spent a total of 3-4g in gear / waypoints/ repair .
Salvaging I must be doing something wrong cause all I get is junk in return….
Yes dyes are addicting , know what I did last night….I had 3g55s……mought 1g worth of dyes opened them up and on the 2nd one BOOOM Black dye for 150% investment….know what I did …sold all possibles at TP and the cheap one tried the Mystic Forge for fun…then got hooked with that….all in all I ended up buying/forging my entire profit of 1.5g and was back were I started lol
Is it just me or does it feel like there`s no sense in upgrading equipment as you go for the first 60 or so levels….
I feel like I dwarf my equipment so quickly. At level 30 I decided to upgrade all my gear, next thing you know BAM already at 40 and they were no good, then I said ok at level 50 I`ll try again, I`m only at 55 and 50% of the stuff is starting to loose its flavor.
3)Add a confirmation button ? …Will stop the problems they have with ppl switching to the winning server on WvW or charge transfer will fix alot of the issue
4)I like to search by class, not a huge feature to add…I`m sure I`m not the only one wanting this
5)Argued because of speed bonus….I`m sugesting no bonus…just cosmetic purposes.
8)Yeah I want the point to be made clear, was the reason for this post in the 1st place
10)Go read WvWvW forums for fun….I`ve not played it more then 4h had a blast !! I read alot on it in the forums…so many complaints it`s all I`m saying. It`s something new in the MMO genre, it`s bound to have flaws that I`m sure they`ll fix, it`s like any other mmo….work in progress
Make all items viewable in the preview plane, especially the trading post. Would be nice to preview stuff before buying !!
2nd-Being able to view other players equipment would be nice as well…I always used to love to check out the others gear and stuff
3d-Make it 1 week for the server player transfer, not just 24h (will help alot in certain issues that I`m sure you are aware of)
4th-In the trading post , would be nice to be able to have more search features (Especialy , proffesion based !! )
5th-Mounds , cosmetics only, no need to have skills attatched to them, I`m sure alot of ppl would love the riding on a horse, lizzard, hog, flying carpet, you name it..
6th-Map, would be nice if it showed when you have a section completed….so you dont have to run to double check if that zone has been completed at 100%
7th-Character apearance recustomization !! (Not race, but everything else would be fine)
8th-Make all items previewable especially the trading post
9th-Overall good job on the game, a few more tweaking should make this a long lasting franchise !!
10- Fix WvWvW….I think alot of ppl are getting discouraged by its current system just a thought !
Cheers and happy hunting !
LFG (Insert dungeon) Explorable mode already did story
Anvil Rock
So is that what you want in end game …Karma gear ? Then what you`re saying is I should be free to use me Token at dungeon vendors cause I wont be using them I`ll be using Karma
Ok I`m currently at level 53. I`m looking to upgrade all my Armor at LV60. What do I use, Karma Vendors, Dungeon Vendors….or just buy off TP ?
I wonder as well wich one is better Karma or Token equipment ? Are they both exotic and of the same value ?
Any other info about armor and equipment will be apreciated
Now you sir are a good player. See we dont have to build glass cannons….well done
For WvW, Mesmer is the way to go if you want to survive and steamroll almost every oponnent.
Mesmer got so many good skill (and good elite, it’s rare) and are a pain in the kitten to kill. They have prolly the best set of downed state skill in the game..
So what you`re saying is if I go on the Mesmer board I`ll be seeing pretty much the same thing I see when I go on the Thief forum ….NERF !! lol
I`ve had Mesmer in mind for a while now I think I`m gonna roll one as soon as I`m done with leveling my thief to 80 ….he`s @ 50 now
Thanks , exacltly what I was looking for, I have a thief on the go right now for my main , that I play PvE 80% of the time, the rest WvW…I want to hit 100% map completion with it, then going to creat a second one mostly for WvW
7. All signets
8. Our Trait’s skills
9. Medium armorNice idea with the ninja class… but the name of that profession is already too OP!
LOL …I was debating on calling it the Chuck Norris class….just fist and foot….but we all know that chuck wont allow that to happen
Elementalist, Mezmer or Ranger for WvW ? Feel free to give me the pro`s and cons about each
1.Leaping Death Blossom
4.Pistol Whip
5.No Cool Down
Anything else you guys want to add to the list of stuff that we thieves should be nerfed on ? You know what Anet….just delete the thief give everyone else a free Black Lion key for their grievance….and then……re-introduce a new class ….lets call it
NINJA !!!!
-Give us only 2 weapon, A sword and a ninja star , no need to give us any special skills with them just their straight up damage.
-Give us 1 skill, Invisibility (45 seconds, unbreakable)
That`s it….we`ll still show them how to play!
p.s. I have one more request for my ninja…can we have walk on water, I hate swiming
Endless and endless post about thief OP this…thief OP that …not fair this not fair that it`s getting outa hand, yes I do agree that maybe some of it could be tweeked, I`m not gonna lie there are certain aspect that seem a bit outa place…but it seems to me we have a complain about every possible build out there except short bow.
Either I`m really overtired (been up for almost 24 hours now) or this forum doesnt have a “Save/bookmark topic” and no real advanced search feature or viewing by view count/replies amount.
As I`m here reading about thieves…I came up with something good for WvW …Here`s a good idea to keep you busy in WvW with a thief…you say that you cant contribute…I say nay ! Get a grp of 4-5 to camp out from their waypoint and gank them as they come out 1-2 at a time heading to the battle to reinforce….trust me it`ll help and will be apreciated that you`re stoping a few from coming back in…now isnt that a bit more fun ? Now that I think of it get 3 groups of 4 ….and take em out before they get in big numbers ….I think it`ll work miracles
(edited by SilentPhoenix.2916)