Showing Posts For Silvernis.8135:

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


Criticizing the Revenant design right now is like telling an artist their painting is trash when they only just finished a rough outline. Just be patient and let them know if they missed a spot.

The rough outline phase is exactly when you should let them know that the painting is (or looks like it will be) trash. That way they can reevaluate and revise before committing any more time and effort to something that isn’t going to work.

Tweaking the rev’s damage numbers might help, but honestly, there are bigger underlying issues with the class (limited choice, underwhelming utils, wonky energy management, long cast times, general lack of effectiveness in any role, etc.) that should be addressed first.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


One consideration on the DPS question…

Where are people doing their testing? I’ve been running around Cursed Shore and finding the DPS reasonable, but I’ve heard that downlevelling is particularly harsh for revs at the moment.

Silverwastes, since the mobs there are a bit more challenging than most of what’s in Orr. I can solo escorts and vet events on any other class, but on the rev, I’m either dying horribly, or it takes a small eternity to kill anything. I realize I’m new to the class and could probably be playing it smarter, but even still, the damage output shouldn’t be this abysmal. Combined with the lackluster utils, minimal CC, nonexistent mobility, and godawful cast times, I feel more like a paperweight with pretty particle effects than a useful contributor to the map.

Weapon Swapping would be CLUMSY for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


Like others have said, I don’t think the issue is weapon-swapping, or the lack thereof. The issue is the weapon skills and the legend utilities. Since the class’s options are limited (i.e., one weapon and two legends), what options it does have need to be useful and balanced.

I’d also like to not hit like a wet noodle.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


Is it just me or does it seem that other professions do more damage in full zerker and support build than Revenant does in full zerker and condition build?

No, it’s not you. I had my rev set up with full zerk, power food, and full bloodlust stacks, and my undergeared garbage-build thief still killed faster.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

As in, there’s just one DPS-focused setup? As in, if you want to actually kill mobs/opponents, you’ll have to camp a particular legend and/or weapon? I don’t want to judge without knowing more, but that sounds incredibly limiting for a class that already has limited choices (i.e., preset utilities and no weapon swapping).


The problem is that with the supremacy of DPS in this game none of these other weapons/legends will ever be used unless they are buffed considerably. Even if they are buffed the lack of weapon swap in combat will limit their use significantly.

^ Pretty much this. More often than not, DPS is king, and no one will use weapons/legends that don’t output competitive DPS.

(edited by Silvernis.8135)

Subdirector Blingg audio [Merged threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


Also, you technically can’t modify “unique” with degrees. Something is either unique or not unique. “Most unique” just sounds silly.