What I don’t like about celestial is the waste of most of the power stats, because unlike ele, engi and warrior, the standard weapon sets (a/d and s/t) have horrendous powerdamage attached to their skills. As it stands now, I feel like Settlers does everything Celestial should be doing, just even better.
I agree. Settler has so much more sustain than celestial, AND more condition damage. Plus you can still try and stack might with it if you want to.
Celestial is a good amulet, just not the best for rangers.
Ok, here’s why you’re wrong:
I agree celestial engi functions well because it has abilities that have high burst and whilst a/t s/d for rangers has no high burst ability, the auto attack on sword for example manages to put out decent DPS at a good rate. Sure, you’re not going to drop someone with it but it does allow you to pressure in times that you’re unable or it is inopportune to use your condition abilities – I’m thinking beserker stance, water attunement, bubbles/reflect on turret engi, engi has heal turret up (I.e. engi can cast it but hasn’t yet), warrior has f1 on longbow up etc. My point being is that power/percision/ferocity does all add up and does serve a function.
Secondly, whilst settler’s does have higher condition damage it will deal less condition damage overtime and you are less likely to kill someone through condition damage alone whilst using it.
Let me explain, the damage you do through conditions has three dimensions: base condition damage, condition application and condition cover. Celestial wins comfortably on the latter two because you if you’re running celestial and taking 2 points in skirmishing you’re going to be running at 30% critical rate (50% after you’ve activated a skirmishing skill) versus the 9% (and 29%) of settler’s then it’s going to make sense to run sharpened edges on celestial and not on settler’s.
Sharpened edges contributes considerably to your condition application, it changes splitblade from a 5 bleed stack to a 7-8 bleed stack for example. It helps with cover conditions too, say you’re in sword/torch you do: torch 4 -> sword 3 -> sword 1 × 2 with celestial that’s a guaranteed 4 conditions – burn, poison, bleed, cripple. With settler’s that’s effectively 2 since 1. You don’t have sharpened edges and 2. With such low power, it’s hard to justify using sword auto-attack. Most condition clears in this game work in the manner of: ‘clear X number of conditions’ rather than clear all.
You’re also going to be running Krait runes with celestial as it turns the bleeds from sharpened edges from 2 seconds into 3 seconds. Krait adds two additional cover conditions on use with entangle, the poison (which I accept you could have already applied before) and torment. Whilst you can run krait with settler’s, it has far better synergy with celestial/rabid + sharpened edges.
As for the sustain argument.
First of all, you gain 376 vitality which is good, we can all agree.
You lose 193 healing power. You’ll forgive my speculation, but that’s about 10 less hp/s with SoTW and I’d imagine about 20 or so on regeneration. So all in all, not much. Let’s not forget we only, in this spec, have 3 uses for healing power.
Now the big one, toughness. You lose 422 toughness. That’s a lot to lose.
I’ll be honest here, settler’s is a terrible amulet, it has been since the jewell/amulet change. And that’s why. No one ever needs that much toughness from an amulet, let alone a class/spec with access to 3 evades on short cool downs and an invulnerability on 80s cool down. Quite simply, it’s a bad allocation of stats. And with all passive defences it leads to bad play dependent on it, instead of teaching people to use their active defences ina smart and efficient manner.
And this brings me to the central fallacy of the sustain argument: sustain for what? What does more sustain bring you? Ranger as a class and certainly in this spec, contributes very little in group utility to a team fight., it’s not like that sustain gives you an extra 10 seconds and in that 10 seconds you can get off that crucial conditional clear on an ally or anything else worthwhile. No. You simply just stay alive longer. That’s it. And bear in mind, you’ve traded all that damage for that and the burden falls on the rest of the team to account for that lost damage. Effectively, you’ve lowered your teams chances of winning to just simply postpone the ending of the fight 10-20 seconds. That doesn’t seem like such a good bargain to me.
So no, I don’t agree that settler’s does ‘everything better’.