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brought up b4 and it will be again. Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinclairr.1056


So the cost would have to go up… Remember outfits =/= armor skins in terms of overall compatability.

So in order for this to work, A-net would have to make the outfit, AND the armor weight version. So this would be like making an outfit and armor skins :P

I addressed the cost in the 2nd to last paragraph. Yes there would have to be an additional cost, but I think making outfits into armor sets and vice versa would do nothing but increase profits for a-net. Of course a-net would have to do a little more work but I would argue that most of the work is already done (didn’t they say most of the work is fitting the armor to each of the races? well they’ve done that for all the outfits already). I don’t imagine separating an already finished outfit would take all that much time or energy.

brought up b4 and it will be again. Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinclairr.1056


I wanted to talk a little about what really bothers me about outfits and why I don’t agree with the reasoning behind most of the outfit arguments. I would also like to bring up a solution that I think may make both sides of the argument happy. I know I’m beating a dead horse here but if nothing else at least it sparks up the debate again.

Now, what bothers me most about outfits is that you can clearly see separation lines on each of the “pieces” in a outfit. Some more than others but none the less they are there. If you look at Marjory’s outfit for example you can clearly see that no connecting pieces are conjoined in such a why that it would destroy one piece or another if they were to be separated. I’m aware that the current argument against splitting outfits is 1. clipping issues and 2. having armor pieces that don’t look like they belong in their weight class would be bad aesthetically for the game. I understand both these concerns and would like to give my feedback on it.

As to clipping being an issue, I don’t feel like it actually is to be honest. If an item clips with another then the player more often then not will try to find another combination that works better. Leave it up to the player to decide if the clipping is an issue for them or not. Hell just look at the blade armor they added in HoT, the light chest clips with almost every shoulder in the game… So I don’t believe that it is actually a fundamental problem for the game.

I believe I may actually have a solution that might work and that I believe the player base could get behind. Light, medium, and heavy outfits. Hear me out here, its not what you think. My proposal is this, if lets say we look at Marjory’s outfit again and classify it as a light armor outfit what would that mean? Well quite simply it would make it so that only light classes would be able to use it as a armor set and mix and match it with other light armor (which would solve the 2nd problem) but everyone could continue to use it as an outfit the same way it currently works in game. People who like the simplicity of outfits would still have that, People who just enjoy making their warrior look like a shadow assassin would still have that. I think its quite an elegant solution to a problem that has been frustrating players for some time.

Obviously there would have to be an additional cost associated with the new system but I think a fare way to do it would to it would be to sell the armor set version of an outfit around 400 gems (marketing would have to see what price point would be best) with the prerequisite of already owning the original outfit.

Now this is just an idea me and a few friends brainstormed up but I’m truly genuinely interested in what the player base thinks about this idea.