Showing Posts For Sinthalous.7923:

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sinthalous.7923


The fact that this event is on blind faith, that we will be rewarded is crap..I think they should have tested this event before letting it lose on the game.
1*Five days is not long enough for any event. people have to work, school, and other things.
2* test..test…test your events before setting it upon the world..take a note from the book of Warcraft..nothing upsets players more then broken content.
3* don’t ask people to do a broken event, on faith alone..they want answers provide them with lest tell them if this is a waist of time or not.
4*four days of guess work, and no payout, and being told wait a few weeks for that reward, they feel they can gives you is not a valid excuse for anything. Stop your event..fix, and then resume the said event. don’t do fives days of crap, and then guess what you should owe’s like hiring a contractor to fix your roof..and telling him..let me guess how much you should earn for a roof, that a lazy kitten built.
and last 5* people have a right to be upset about this..any one who defends this..with if you don’t like don’t do said event..your the reason why game companies are passing out crap games with micro transactions, and pay to test as A rated games. This kind of crap needs to stop..kitten, it’s your pay for the game..At lest I did..I have a right to kitten out an epic sized charr should you.