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GW2 Optimization, worse than I thought

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sir Gwaine Balinor.5410

Sir Gwaine Balinor.5410

Here, this shows my temps, usage, card usage, and ingame fps (21). My processor is nearly at 3.6, card usage not 100% (expected) but frames are still not NEAR where they should be, and this is without supersampling and even certain “very high” options enabled.

That’s got to be the coolest Haswell cpu I’ve ever seen.

Granted I have mine overclocked to 4.4Ghz, my temps hit 75c in the middle of a game.

Honestly though, Lions Arch is normally crowded with people. If you just turn down the character limit your fps will be a lot better.

Also, turn off v-sync if you can’t get a constant 60fps. (which you’re never going to get) it should help with stuttering.
I normally just limit my fps to 30, I can’t really tell the difference except in fps games.

Buying a new PC, need a hand

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sir Gwaine Balinor.5410

Sir Gwaine Balinor.5410

I just built a new ‘Gaming’ pc, runs gw2 pretty nice at max settings. 60+ fps while in open world, it lags a little in lions arch and haven’t gotten to test it during WvW. (will know after tonight’s reset) However, turning a few settings off that aren’t really needed (AA, and post processing) kicks it up quite a bit.

Also, the 7950 is a better buy than the 760. It overclocks a ridiculous amount and will beat the 760 in almost every benchmark. Plus, you get 3GB of vram, as apposed to 2GB.

My specs are:
MSI Z87 G45
i5 4670k Oc’d to 4.5 Ghz
Gigabyte 7950
Sandisk 120gb extreme ssd
I bought a Cooler Master Hyper 212 evo cpu cooler also.

You can pick this 7950 up from NCIX for $270 + $30 rebate.

However, if you can wait until ~September for the 9000 series from AMD. They look pretty promising.