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Retribution is beyond broken right now [Merged thread]

in Personal Story

Posted by: SirOsric.2305


Also struggling VERY badly with this one. 5 deaths in a row as my 64 Guardian. Every time I would go out into the courtyard fight after regaining the siege weapons, it’d take only 2 or 3 risen plus an ever-present veteran to stomp on me in a matter of seconds. They are all hitting FAR too hard to be fair, especially to melee types. Plus NPCs don’t help you while you’re downed, which makes it all the more tooth-gnashingly frustrating. NPCs go out there just to die, which makes the fight even worse. Guardian has several things to help the conditions, but they just slap the conditions right back on as soon as you remove them. =\ The burst damage is the worst part, honestly.