Showing Posts For SirSixString.6349:
DRUID RUINED for freaking sure. I main a Cleric druid and now it sucks. WHY ANET WHY!?
Me and my friend are looking for a guild to raid with. He’s a DPS Chrono and I’m a Cleric Druid!
So here’s life as a druid: FORCED INTO Troll HEALLLLLLLLL. Because we can no longer generate CA by auto in staff.
Anytime I use staff 3 skill as a movement on open ground, it puts me in combat for a few seconds. Note: I was not in combat before or after it’s use just during… fix?
Let me be clear! Full heal bot amulets (i.e. Minstrel) is NOT what I want. I want more stat combos for healers! You have Magi, Cleric, and Settler’s. THAT IS NOT ENOUGH! What the heck is a Herald, Tempest or Druid to do with only 3 amulets! So in this post I would like to suggest some as well as just get some stuff out there! Healers need a place in SPvP:)
1. Zealot-
1200 Power
900 Precision
900 Healing power
2. Shaman-
1200 Vitality
900 Condition Damage
900 Healing Power
[Now Non-Existing Stats]
3. Monk’s-
1050 Healing Power
1050 Power
560 Concentration
560 Toughness
4. Cherished-
1050 Healing Power
1050 Precision
560 Vitality
560 Toughness
5. Bold-
1050 Condition Damage
1050 Healing Power
560 Vitality
560 Expertise (or) Toughness
I hope you guys blow up this post with your own suggestions. Let’s make sure Anet sees it alright?:D
Guys, why is no one talking about this? 2/5 of legends are available. Others don’t even work underwater. Not to mention how swapping between land and water is impossible since the underwater and above water legends don’t save separately…. This is the new prof in an almost entirely PvE Expansion how was this not fixed by now?!?!? Hope to see a dev or somebody with more info than me answer because for world completion and any kind of fractal of open world gameplay it’s klunky and really awkward to have to stop and get out combat and swap legends upon entering AND exiting the water…. Help?
SHAMAN PLEASE! Or maybe some kind of 4 stat apothecary hybrid with a bit of vit? Please!!! Healers need options!!! T_T
why isn’t this fixed yet!?!?!!?!?!((((((((((((((
Why is it taking so long to fix an armor die glitch??? I really am getting annoyed here. I’m an 80 Thief and Sylvari with blue skin, a red dye in my boots and chest is rather un-sitely!!!!! Please hurry up and patch. Thank you.
FIX THIS! I have a blue and black Sylvari!! With RED armor!?!? Help!?!?
Also disable any and all Personal story rewards up to the point of the story we left off before the change.
PLEASE RACE CHANGE!!!!!!!!!! Do it like a Name Change or Total Makeover, Reset Skill points so we can re-allocate them, restart the personal story and leave gear and profession the same! PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!!