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Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Siralus.4921


SERIUOSLY, think about the events you make and there affect on the community.

I can’t agree enough.
This achievement, exclusively, is responsible for some of the worst flaming I’ve ever seen in my years of online gaming. The design of the achievement makes it so that different players have contradictory goals, making it possible for the selfish, unaware, or impatient to utterly ruin other’s peoples moods. And they do so, frequently. The only recourse others have is to explain or otherwise get angry with these people.

And then, even when everything is set up perfectly, with people cooperatively stacking in an attempt to organize shockwaves to fire at as many as people possible – people are not getting achievement credit, and they don’t know why. Googling the issue is ineffective, as you get contradictory information about how the achievement works, so we’re left guessing and in the mean time, feel like we’re being rewarded or punished arbitrarily for jumping, whilst hoping other people don’t spoil our ‘hard’ work in jumping in place by trying to do an achievement of their own.

This is incredibly frustrating and dissatisfying.

Confirmation screen for transmutation.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siralus.4921


You can un-transmute them with a stone from gem store.

Simple and effective and unless you are wasted you can’t really make mistakes. Why make it harder than it needs to be?

It’s not an irregular thing for me to see someone espousing the fact that they transmuted something wrong in my guild chat or on my guild’s team speak, and I can attest personally to the fact that mistakes are easy to make under the current system. I didn’t suggest there be 4 confirmation screens, so I don’t see why you raise that point – I suggest one.

And the suggestion that a splitter stone is a solution is far from adequate. You shouldn’t have to pay in cash to rectify a second’s lapse in attention.

An alternative, however, would be to automatically preview items whilst transmuting – that is, to bring up the character doll and illustrate what the new armour or weapon is going to look like.

This, at least, would provide a much more visual cue as to what you’re doing.

Confirmation screen for transmutation.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siralus.4921


Currently, when you are transmuting weapons or armour, you select the items you wish to transmute, then the components of these you wish to adopt, then select transmute. You now have your newly combined item. Obviously, you should be careful when doing this, but it is hard to get around the fact that currently, there is no confirmation screen for transmutation. If at any point you make a mistake, a mis-click of any kind, you destroy the components of an entire item, irrevocably. So, for example, if you have purchased a skin from the gem store, and have applied to a set of armour – and would now like to move it to a new piece of armour, you have 6 transmutations to go through, and if you display all of the pieces of your armour, you have 6 opportunities to potentially ruin your new set of armour.

This isn’t just an aesthetic issue, as you could choose the wrong stats or rune for a set of armour. So you could wind up with a berserker helmet alongside your cleric’s armour, where a moment before, you had both a berserker and cleric helmet. That’s a costly mistake – since you’ve wasted two pieces of armour, and a transmutation stone – something which has a value in gems.

So why don’t we have some kind of confirmation screen when transmuting items?