Showing Posts For Sizer.2654:

Nerf Autoattacks. SAY NO TO RNG !

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


sigils allow the game to be more balanced , guys dont forget before air/fire sigils the community was QQing about bunkers.
Its a great idea to have the sigils only proc from abilities instead of auto attacks.

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


I would like to know if resources are being invested to fix the steal bug already !! or did u guys stop looking into this issue after only halfway fixing it ?

ToG: EU meta vs NA meta

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


I accept any bets vs any team in the WTS, up to maximum 3186gold. If your interested in betting against TCG and losing your money, please contact me ! We would have to organize a middle man that we trust such as jebro or blu and give them small cut from the earnings ofc.

Give us Button to disable Que Casting

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


QUE casting is a pain in the kitten , not beneficial at all in pvp unless your a clicker !!!! allow us to remove this pls

Sizers opinion on Gw2 Esports!

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Guild wars 2 defiantly has the potential to become esports !

Guild wars 2 is the only MMO game in the world which managed to be balanced in PvP at HIGH LEVEL !!!!!!!. No other MMO game has managed to achieve this!!!
The people complaining for balance out there just need to learn how to play better or use more effiecient keybinds

The unique combat system and conquest game mode allows for a higher skill cap , more strategic/tactical decsions and mind games then any other MMO game has yet to offer.

Now to reach esports what we needs is :

1. Better youtube videos!!!!!! All the youtube videos is filled with noob players who dont make any major skillful plays or are involved in high action pact combat. These skilless videos are not entertaining enough

2.We need better camera angles when casting / streaming major tournaments. The people behind the camera angles generally dont have enough knowledge about the game to place the camera angels where it is most needed/entertaining. Having a mini dual monitor during the stream so people can see several fights occuring at the same time would be helpful

3. Most of all We need more skillful and dedicated players !!!! You wvwvw heroes out there come to SPVP its alot better practice!!!

4. “To be released at a further point in time”

5.“To be released at a further point in time”

6.“To be released at a further point in time”

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


steal works more frequently now , cheers for that but but STEAL BUG STILL EXISTS !!!!!!

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


getting hit mid dodgeroll is not purely latenzy , its ingame bug as well . jadiojai9wdh9iahwdi9ahdipahwdiphawdip9hawdi9h

hambow warrior earthshaker(f1) , when i dodge this ability with wirlwind my endurance is consumed but i still get hit mid freaking dodgeroll. Tested it and 9/10 times i got hit mid dodgeroll

(edited by Sizer.2654)

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Steal bug still exists as well as getting hit mid dodgeroll constantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope these major game breaking bugs are addressed before these upcoming tournaments

Give us Button to disable Que Casting

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


sometimes because of que casting it takes longer for your abiltiies to activate normally.

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


steal bug is not completely fixed, ok it happens less frequent but it STILL EXISTS !!!!

Give us Button to disable Que Casting

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


as the titel indicates, pls give us an option to disable que casting. Ît has done me 0 good except make me que abilities bymistake and waste intiative. Sometimes my shortbow number 5 ability takes longer then usual to activate cause of server lag that we all have been experiencing and therefore i spam the ability to work faster and end up wasting all intiative ( just one example).

It has its uses in pve for clickers and stuff but in PvP its totally useless and only serves as a disadvantage pls remove !

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


actually it would be a good balance change having steal not being able to be chained with other abilities. It defiantly needs its damage somehow lowered

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Maybe steal bug is a marketting strategy!!! since there wont be any buffs coming our direction anytime soon, therefore they create bugs to later fix it and create illusionary buffs.

Gandalf is LF Team [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sizer.2654


snap him before its 2 late!!

Gandalf is LF Team [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sizer.2654


good guardian, knows how to rotate and very talkative on ts

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


what if the steal bug is related to the bug to cause auto attacks to randomly say out of range or obstructed when it clearly isent

"Steal Bug" Making thief unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


1. Steal bug happens on every 10th steal in which your steal randomly misses. This can happen to golems in the mists and even to rabits in wvwvw from melee range if u miss a steal u auto lose and have to run away !!! every 10th engagement u auto lose cause steal buggs!!!!

2.We all know servers are a bit slower then usual atm , this causes people to get hit mid dodgeroll!!!!!!! i have been bursted for 12k while in dodge roll animation (doing a flip midair) this has been happening to many people on a regular basis

3. so i reccommend not to reroll thief until actions have been taken to fix steal bug and server speed has increased

Ways to fix the bug:

1. Revert the change with being able to steal while in line of sight

2.Allow steal to work regardless where the enemy is postioned ( the port doesent need to work all the time but at least the daze + getting the stolen ability should)

3. Would be amazing if steal dident port u to the target!!!! this would allow dp thiefs to still use n3 and steal to port, nerf sd thiefs ( instead of flanking strike random change), AND FIX ALL THE STEAL BUGS!!!!!!!!

(edited by Sizer.2654)

How long till u nerf S/D thief ?

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Its the same way u counter someone in smash bros spamming the dodge button ! ! ??

Better timings, positionings and most importantly work on your mind game capabaility.

The mind game ability goes in the same catagory as trying to hit an interupt on someone fakecasting alot

u cannot turn off your brains and go auto pilot and spam keys vs thieves

S/d Thieves are no skill, no fun, no love.

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Its the same way u counter someone in smash bros spamming the dodge button ! ! ??

Better timings, positionings and most importantly work on your mind game capabaility.

The mind game ability goes in the same catagory as trying to hit an interupt on someone fakecasting alot

u cannot turn off your brains and go auto pilot and spam keys vs thieves

S/d Thieves are no skill, no fun, no love.

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Nerfing air/fire sigils would actually buff sd thiefs lol atm these sigils give u guys extra burst to pressure us , hf trying to kill us without them

S/d Thieves are no skill, no fun, no love.

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Sd thieves r not the problem , it is trickery steal !!

Ways to fix steal would be to remove the short amount of period a character moves extremely slow after being dazed / steal.

Increase it’s cd or

Make it that when your specced on dazing your steal in return does 50% less dmg or no dmg at all

I would love to see a nerf to steal , to increase the gap between good and bad thiefs

Tournament of Legend Winner "Sizer" Streaming

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Team Mist (Formerly TCG) :

Sizer.2654 -Thief
Oni.5429- Mesmser –
Tage.7045- Holy Pala
Rom.4536- Warrior
Denshee.5917- Ele-

Tournament of Legend Winner "Sizer" Streaming

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


For supporting me at participating at this GW2 International All-Stars Tournament, I will make sure EU takes the gold metal back home as well as I promise to provide the community with a guide on how to engage every class/spec in 1v1 situations.

Tournament of Legend Winner "Sizer" Streaming

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Heya, I found a way to stream again !

Streaming tomorrow 14:30-22:00 !!!!

For those of u who dont know me, I am one of the best thieves in this game and responsible for popularizing sd thieves since feature patch. I represent the team TCG which recently reformed to Team Mist. We consider ourselves to be one of the best teams in gw2 , with having been undefeated during Tournament of Legend taking out all top EU teams.

My build :

Past High Ranked Gaming Experience:

5xGladiator in WorldofWarcraft with rating achievments of : 2v2= 2850 3v3= 2750

+ pretty much dominated every single game i ever touched my hands on since child hood

General Info about me :

I am a 22 year old Bulgarian and live in Austria/England. I was born in Malta and then moved to the Bahamas for 3-4 years followed by living around several places in Austria until my family settled in Vienna. I have recently completed my Bachelor’s degree at the University of Greenwich (England) and will proceed my studies with a masters degree next year.

ToL Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


“we will proceed with sending ot awards to everybody else” this process can still take days , knowing Anet working speed. We probably have to wait another 2 days or so QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ BTW generally do u guys find waiting on TOL rewards has made u play the game more ? great marketting tactic it defiantly made me play more ^^

Skyhammer beneficial for weaker players

in PvP

Posted by: Sizer.2654


Skyhammer is good for the gw2 community in the sense that it allows the average weaker player to realize when to dodge on abilitys in generall and pay more attention to actually timing abilities. As glass cannons did not teach weaker players to evade and instead made them QQ.

Multi Gladiator in WoW LF Solid/Active Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sizer.2654


hi my name sizer.2654 on EU Desolation. I am a 5xGladiator in WoW as Druid with rating experience 2v2 = 2850 3v3 = 2750. I plan to only play thief, despite knowing other classes. I can use my wow experience in Gw2 with having good communication and great knowledge of my surrounding. I speak German/English , dont nerd rage and have stable internet.
I have recently been inactive in gw2 for the last 1.5months therefore i am only r42 because of spamming Starcraft 2 Heart of the swarm but I have now returned bk to gw2 !
Hoping to find a team with active and solid players which also have large amount of experience and background concerning PvP. Preferably other high rated arena players from bk in the days in WoW.
You can contact me either on these forums , my ingame name sîzer (desolation eu ) or simply by adding sizer.2654.

(edited by Sizer.2654)