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The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

All I know is that now I’m afraid of being banned for completely unknown reasons.

This guy summarizes all perfectly. Im now scared to do something that will marked as exploit and get a perma ban for that…

Follow this rule,then you will be fine.

“Thou shall not make a profit – that is what the Gem store is for”

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

Anet also states that they take a hard stance against exploiters. So, if this is really an exploit, why are only some of the “exploiters” banned?

Because only a few were actually banned; the worst offenders.

They didn’t do it ten times.

They didn’t do it a hundred times.

They did it thousands of times.


I have a friend, pretty much had considering the event we are all aware of. That person got banned during the last genocide. He’s been playing GW for about 6 years. His name is Dork fikitten23, reference number 130103-000977 and this is his story I am sharing with you. Using the conversation he had with Anet staff member.

Dear A-Net,

I’m rather suprised that I recieved a notification today when attempting to log onto Guild Wars 2 stating that “Your Guild Wars 2 account has been terminated for abusing an in-game exploit… This action is permanent.”.

I am unsure what I did to warrant this ban. I do not believe I have done anything against the Code of Conduct for the game, or have ever wished to over my 6+ years of following your games.

There was only one situation in which I could have done something exploitative, and that was in regards to the rare mithril snowflake accessories that was generating ectoplasms. However, I did not do this to generate a profit.

In actuality, I was attempting to identify whether or not this was actually an exploit. As a long-term fan of your games, and in the spirit of giving back to you guys for all your hard work, I was trying to gather enough data on this to conclusively provide you guys with information about an exploit.

In fact, in my mail inbox for the forums, I actually sent a private message to John Smith to report this exploit along with my data. (However, I can’t actually access it as I no longer have access to the forums with this ban). In addition, I would not have kept my sample size so small to limit the effect it would have on the economy of GW2; or have only sold back enough ectos to pay for my initial investment to gather data if I was truly attempting to do this to generate profit from this exploit.

I realize that this is only my word, and that my actions ultimately can still be considered a breach to your CoC. I just really hope that a well-intended action on my part isn’t taken as malicious by you all.

Thank you for your time,
Derek Chung

Customer Derek Chung via CSS Web 01/03/2013 02:24 AM

Some additional information that came to my mind to add to this is:

1) I privately messaged John Smith (ANet employee) to avoid any public information about this exploit being released to the players confirming the ability to create profit.
2) During my data gathering, I made three attempts. The first two attempts had sample sizes of 3 and 10 (snowflakes), which are statistically too small to provide a decent confidence interval to draw statistical significance. The third attempt was to be with 30 snowflakes but I never completed it due to the update. This last group of snowflakes are still on my account after the update and in fact, I actually lost money attempting to gather this data compared to the profits I actually made on the ectoplasms to cover these costs.

Customer Derek Chung via CSS Web 01/03/2013 06:58 PM

3) I’m not sure if you need this, but in hopes that this may make the process of resolving this ticket faster:

I hereby provide you, Arena Net, full access to any and all of my game and forum account materials (i.e. my inbox, crafting mats, logs [if you keep any]) for the purposes of acquiring any proof to settle this ticket.

am i dumb or something? but 25 is not close to 100 to me (not even mention 1000)

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

PS.I am “100%” support Anet’s decision this time, so I hope this article won’t get deleted. I should not debate Customer Support decisions or actions. I was a fool and now I learn my lesson.

The problem is example after example, people did not do this to influence, the market, the didn’t influence the market, they had no affect other than buy up raw materials. I know first hand many people who got banned for this who a) did NOT make bunches of gold b) didn’t sell any ectos but used them to craft things for themselves.

90% of the people I know that got banned fall into category A, and ALL of them fall into category B.

I ask again, if this killed the market economy why did they wait 17 days to ban people?

Hasn’t most of the “ill-gotten” gold already been dispersed into the game?

Didn’t the overall effect us usage of the TP actually remove gold from the game?

Right, totally agree. The friend I lost due to this awful incident only used the ectos for himself for his ascended backpiece. No harm done there? I’m sorry that someone out there didn’t get to profit off of him? But it’s not like you can anymore anyways cause he got BANNED due to poor design. And a bunch of people who do not understand how much it saddens oneself to not be able to play with a friend and witness a friend lose all of their stuff by doing no harm to anyone aka not putting what he made into gold production but own personal use. In that regard, I consider this a non-permanent ban situation—I don’t see how this hurts anyone let alone the economy. And regardless, it’s not just 200 people who lost their ability to play. I feel it hard to log on knowing that I can’t play with as many friends again.

i “was” totally agree with you. i quetioned their decisions then my former article was deleted by moderator.

if you are interesting in what i posted. you can see the below link. CHAP. II

My point is in the section 3

After reading that , you will understand my position.

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

Sorry for bad grammar, I tried my best.

Let’s see the “Exploits” section of the below link first.

After hours of thinking, I think I have the answer why they got perma banned. And I think they deserved to be punished.

“Exploits are errors in the game or third party programs that create opportunities for players to move outside the conventional means of gaining value (gold, experience, skills, etc.).”

Since crafting rare silk shoulders and snowflake mithril earring of winter are pretty similar.
And John Smith said “I always keep a quote from Edward Coke around to remind me of the effect of informed individuals. Coke states, “Certainty is the mother of quiet and repose, and uncertainty the cause of variance and contentions.”
People asked if snowflake is an exploit 17 days ago, and didn’t get the response. So if snowflakes is an exploit/error/bug sounds “uncertainty” to many people(also to me),but that is not the reason they got perma banned. I believe Anet wont sentence people whom are not well informed to death.

“For example, a player discovers a recipe that allows them to craft items from vendor goods for only 50 copper and then sell back the crafted item for 100 copper. The player now has an infinite loop of value gain. If this were working as intended the game’s currency would hyper-inflate very, very quickly as all players swarmed to this recipe to generate gold”

This looks like the answer, but let’s look the following examples.

Plague crafts from Orichalcum Band*1 Orichalcum Setting*1 CM tokens*200
sells on TP at 31G(highest order is 14G).

Selling a legendary GS at 9500G.

Buying jug of Friesson’s ale from vendor at 16c and selling on TP at 76c.

They all find a recipe or a way that allows them to have an infinite loop of
value gain. Do they get banned? Nope.

Also buying items from vendors and selling back is different from selling on TP.
The former can be seen as exploiting a flaw in game, while the latter ? Since when people pursuing the wealth through the free market is a “crime”?

“Exploits come in waves of mass participation and in the end, if they aren’t dealt with, the economy becomes hyper-inflated. “

ReginaBuenaobra North American Community Team Lead also said
“The number of accounts terminated as a result of this exploitative activity is actually very small—fewer than 200. However, these people are the very worst offenders, and engaged in this exploit to egregious levels—hundreds and even thousands of times. They knew exactly what they were doing and they knew that their activities would damage the economy”

Do you see the answer now? Anet banned them because those people are hurting the economy. That is a serious crime if you are hurting the “gem economy”. Those people just violated crime of incitement to overthrow the state. If earning gold is that easy, who will buy the gems? How does Anet profit ?

PS.I am “100%” support Anet’s decision this time, so I hope this article won’t get deleted. I should not debate Customer Support decisions or actions. I was a fool few hours ago and now I learn my lesson.

(edited by Skin Changer.8073)

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

My question is this for ND. Did yall mass recruit when you got to BG? Because I have rarly seen ND groups be larger than 20 when yall where on SoR.

We do have new members recently.

Also Fate just gave a mobilization order after we trans to BG, cuz he receives trash messages everyday since then.

But we also lose some ppl who didnt trans to BG.

superior rune of soilder BUG(?) in fotm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

to Sativo:

I DO put a superior rune of soilder on my aqua breather !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to Strifey:

what’s your calss? i am a warrior, and i am 100% sure it doesnt work for me.

i tested twice yesterday. i CANT remove the vul and poison in fotm UNDER WATER

(jelly fish), but i DO can remove cripple in WvW map UNDER WATER.


i just tested an hour ago. and it worked !!!

but i think there is still one situation i havent tested.

i remember i got water after AC frac yesterday.

and there was a bug history for AC frac (if you get AC b4 jade maw, you may still be a charr. and you cant pick up the crystals.). PS. it is fixed now.

if you happen to get AC frac, plz put on the soilder gear and pray for water.

and test the shouts under water for me thx.

superior rune of soilder BUG(?) in fotm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

to Sativo:

I DO put a superior rune of soilder on my aqua breather !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to Strifey:

what’s your calss? i am a warrior, and i am 100% sure it doesnt work for me.

i tested twice yesterday. i CANT remove the vul and poison in fotm UNDER WATER

(jelly fish), but i DO can remove cripple in WvW map UNDER WATER.

superior rune of soilder BUG(?) in fotm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

The 6th effect (shouts remove a condition) doesnt work in fotm when i am under water.

But the 6th effect DOES work when i am under water in WvW map.

Is this a BUG or ?

ps. I DO put a superior rune of soilder on my aqua breather.

Isle of Janthir vs Henge of Denravi vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Skin Changer.8073

Skin Changer.8073

SoR here,i think it’s a boring week for both of us. I am not going to play WvW this week, since there is not a good fight.Also protesting you stole our victory on the last day until WvW reset