Showing Posts For Skorpio.3571:

Can't turn in Act 1 Scavenger Hunt

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


Yup, they’re all unique items. Pages I-VI. Thanks for the advice, I’ll submit a ticket.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


After 6+ hours of buggy cameras and overlapping character, yeah I had to put a stop to this. I know what the rewards are for making this, but any event…especially a JUMPING PUZZLE, that seems to average at least 6-14 hours to beat ONCE, really isn’t worth my time.

This is a challenging puzzle, and so be it. I would gladly put the work in to master it. However, making it part of a limited event AND making it a group event makes no sense. The only thing groups do as add to the difficulty and frustration, but not the fun. The camera is bad enough but workable IF I could just get the 5+ other people standing in the same spot to move and see where “I” am.

I have a job, a wife and a 6-month old. I want to take part in this, but I simply canot justify spending a third of a day…on a jumping puzzle. If it was a massive dungeon or major boss…or some kind of huge interactive event, then yes I could. A jumping puzzle simply is not worth it. Even if I was to beat it, at this point it would lead to me taking a long break from the game because instead of being entertaining, I am now bored and angry at it.

So yes, this is NOT fun. Maybe for you lucky few that can spend 12+ hours a day on it…but if you can, maybe you should think about WHY you can?

I have a job, a wife and two children. It took me about 2-3 hours total to do this puzzle. It’s hard as hell and not everyone is going to be able to do it. It’s not about having 12 hours a day to do it, it’s about having the skill (and maybe some luck) to do it.

I will agree that doing it with other people makes it harder but once you get farther in, most of the others get weeded out and you’re usually alone. lol

I personally love it. I’m an old-school platformer and it’s nice to see something like this in an MMO.

Can't turn in Act 1 Scavenger Hunt

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


Hey all-

I’ve had to do this two times. For some reason, I can’t turn in my 6 pages of memories to complete the Act 1 scavenger hunt.

When I talk to Magister Tassi, she just asks me if I’ve found the memories and they’re right there in my inventory.

Please help!

Clocktower is pure awesomeness!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


I did it! I guess it was about 2.5 hours total but I’m proud to say I didn’t watch any videos or read any walkthroughs to do it.


MMO Manifesto vs. what we have now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


I’ve noticed with gw2 that it is a battle of proficient gamers vs casual gamers… the proficient gamers went through everything easily, they don’t think any of the dungeons are challenging, and they feel like the game has very little content… yet a bunch of casuals who will hit that point in a few months are sitting here telling them they play incorrectly? Since when is being the most efficient in your rotations and completing tasks, playing incorrectly?

It’s not proficient vs. casual, it’s time played. The “proficient” just have 10 times the amount of hours put in.

Why do people always confuse casual with bad? Casual just as much means players that only log in for 1-2 hours a day or possibly even gasp skip a day!

PS- I agree with most of your other points in this thread.

Wrong… proficient gamers don’t necessarily have to be hardcore, whether they play a ton or a little, they still do everything more quickly and more efficiently.

It might take a proficient gamer an hour to do something a casual would do in 3 hours. I don’t mean casual as in play time, I mean casual as in attitude… the whole “I am going tokittenaround, not really know what i’m doing, and just hit my spells in a way that seems to make sense to me”.

These people consume content more slowly, and because of their careless attitude they often don’t play as much. (People that aren’t passionate about a hobby often would invest less time in such a hobby)

Sheen, your making statements that have some validity to them, but your offering them in a very derogatory way. I wouldn’t associate “casual” gameplay as “careless” gameplay.

Sorry I’m not the type to sugarcoat reality. I think the sugarcoating and coddling of certain playstyles are the reason mmorpgs in this day and age lack so much challenge and content in the first place.

Well, again you associate “casual” with “careless”.

I consider myself a “casual” player, since I can’t really devote more than a few hours of gameplay on weekdays, but I also tend to blow through challenges because I don’t have as high a learning curve.

And i’ve already clarified I mean casual in attitude, not in time investment. So I don’t know why your mithril armor is in a bunch.

From the first post on it: "…yet a bunch of casuals who will hit that point in a few months are sitting here telling them they play incorrectly? "

No one is taking months to get to 80 because they are inept. A child or mentally challenged person could hit 80 in a month given the time to do it. Leveling isnt hard even if you die every 10 minutes, you’ll still hit 80 almost as fast as a normal player if that is your intent.

You will rarely find the “casual in attitude” players on the forums. Anyone who cares enough about a game to read about it online is putting in some effort. It is well known that forum goers for MMOs make up a small percentage of the total.

Why the carrot on a stick?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


When I think of “grind” I think of slogging through Molten Core in 2005 for months to get one thing I needed and being presented week after week with Nightslayer Shoulders and kittening Thunderstrikes. Then repeating it in BWL, AQ ad nauseum.

You speak the truth, but that’s old school MMO grind. No (western) MMO has been like that for a long time, so when Anet said they were removing grind, I don’t think they were saying “The grind will not be as bad as say….2005 Molten Core.”

MMO Manifesto vs. what we have now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


I’ve noticed with gw2 that it is a battle of proficient gamers vs casual gamers… the proficient gamers went through everything easily, they don’t think any of the dungeons are challenging, and they feel like the game has very little content… yet a bunch of casuals who will hit that point in a few months are sitting here telling them they play incorrectly? Since when is being the most efficient in your rotations and completing tasks, playing incorrectly?

It’s not proficient vs. casual, it’s time played. The “proficient” just have 10 times the amount of hours put in.

Why do people always confuse casual with bad? Casual just as much means players that only log in for 1-2 hours a day or possibly even gasp skip a day!

PS- I agree with most of your other points in this thread.

Wrong… proficient gamers don’t necessarily have to be hardcore, whether they play a ton or a little, they still do everything more quickly and more efficiently.

It might take a proficient gamer an hour to do something a casual would do in 3 hours. I don’t mean casual as in play time, I mean casual as in attitude… the whole “I am going tokittenaround, not really know what i’m doing, and just hit my spells in a way that seems to make sense to me”.

These people consume content more slowly, and because of their careless attitude they often don’t play as much. (People that aren’t passionate about a hobby often would invest less time in such a hobby)

I still don’t understand why casual means idiot. That’s kind of how you describe it. To me a casual player is someone that doesn’t play the game like it’s another job and plays when they feel like or “casually”.

I’ve always considered myself a casual player even though I play most days for a couple hours and always read up on classes, rotations, etc.

To me, it would make more sense for you to say that GW2 is a battle between proficient players and bad players because that’s what you make casual out to be.

In my years of wow, the endless debate between hardcore and casual meant raiders vs. non-raiders. Over the years, that has changed to mean hardcore = good and casual = bad when in reality, it can very well just mean people who don’t raid or people who play less than 3 hours a day.

Anyway….semantics. /endthreadhijack :P

MMO Manifesto vs. what we have now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


Why do people always confuse casual with bad?

I don’t recall seeing that in this thread, but likewise the same can be said in reverse.

Why do people always confuse “non-casual” with bad? (neither is an opinion i share).

Sorry. I added Sheen’s post for clarification. I read it as:

Proficient = Good players, fast and efficient
Casual = Taking too long to level cap, not efficient with rotations, bad at completing tasks and playing incorrectly

MMO Manifesto vs. what we have now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


I’ve noticed with gw2 that it is a battle of proficient gamers vs casual gamers… the proficient gamers went through everything easily, they don’t think any of the dungeons are challenging, and they feel like the game has very little content… yet a bunch of casuals who will hit that point in a few months are sitting here telling them they play incorrectly? Since when is being the most efficient in your rotations and completing tasks, playing incorrectly?

It’s not proficient vs. casual, it’s time played. The “proficient” just have 10 times the amount of hours put in.

Why do people always confuse casual with bad? Casual just as much means players that only log in for 1-2 hours a day or possibly even gasp skip a day!

PS- I agree with most of your other points in this thread.

(edited by Skorpio.3571)

Why the carrot on a stick?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


So what game were they referring to when they said they wanted to take the grind out of an MMO?

Does WoW really have that much grind in comparison? I was never hardcore but I raided a little. Running heroics to get into raids and running that raid to get into the next one wasn’t really that bad.

I think what they meant by NO GRIND was “if you don’t grind, you won’t have lesser gear”. Still, when all is said and done, and the last PVE thing left to do is get the leet skin so you can strut around Lion’s Arch, you’re left with nothing but grind.

In an MMO, everyone strives to be the best or catch up to the best, even if you’re casual. When someone has a cosmetic skin that takes 100 hours to complete, it makes you wish you had it. At that point, a decision is made: Start grinding or stop playing the game.

Wouldn’t a game that claims no grinding leave that part out of it? When you say NO GRINDING, don’t put it in the game AT ALL. At that point, you finish PVE and the entire game unless you want to explore or do PVP.

I definitely had the impression from numerous articles and the manifesto that when you ran a dungeon, you got a full set from that dungeon in one run. THEN, the explorable modes were supposed to be more challenging with even COOLER armor that you would get in ONE run. And your drops would be for your class, not others.

Doesn’t the whole random loot idea seem to go against the spirit of the manifesto as well? (with the exception of world leveling loot)

GW2 "endgame" model is fine. Execution doesn't make sense tho, problem and solution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


And honestly, didn’t everyone think endgame would be this way based on the sidekicking and manifesto?

Want to have people playing this game for a long time? Make the whole world equal to level 80 to a level-capped person. This will literally FILL up the world with people in all corners and give people reason to check out other areas.

Otherwise, what’s the point of sidekicking? I have friends that are higher level than me and they don’t really want to sidekick because they have their own goals that they’re trying to accomplish. If they could do that while I’m getting leveling gear and they’re getting lots of gold, karma, etc., they would absolutely play with me instead of the random people they don’t know in the highest level zones.

MMO Manifesto vs. what we have now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


Disclaimer: Great game, beautiful graphics, blah blah…

I think they delivered on a lot of the general ideas in the manifesto but in the end, it’s really not a whole heck of a lot different from wow or swtor.

So there’s no mob tagging or gathering node tagging. Good thing because everyone needs that stuff to grind with.

So there’s no trinity. I’m still seeing plenty of LFG in chat. I couldn’t get ONE person to join my group of 4 friends for AC story after spamming chat for 20 minutes. ONE PERSON even though there’s no need for a tank or healer? How does that even happen?

They made DEs out to be WORLD CHANGING and amazing events that would drive the entire eco-system. Turns out they’re just random quests that pop up with almost no story and aren’t much more than a zerg, with little to no danger of dying as long as you stay at range. Plus, the same ones come up over and over if you’re in the same zone for a while.

The class structure isn’t groundbreaking at all and you essentially find a setup you like the most and stick with it.

There isn’t even another faction to try out to see the other side of a story or different races classes.

In general the game seems pretty limited out of the gate. If it wasn’t for the beautiful environments to explore and somewhat engaging combat, there would be very little going for it.

All this and I haven’t even gotten to the level cap yet. I am still kind of enjoying the game but mostly because i have a lot of RL friends playing it. If I was solo, I probably wouldn’t make it to the cap.

Why the carrot on a stick?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


I never cared about the WoW Heroic dungeon grind, but it was still a grind. I have to say, GW2 feels more grindy in just about every aspect of the game.

I’m enjoying the game, but even hearts and DEs at early levels just feel aimless and kinda grindy. You’re essentially just wandering around like a nomad killing things until you can move into the next zone with almost no story moving you along.

Harathi Hinterlands - A Joke?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


I thought the joke was that it sounds like Arathi Highlands.

Coincidence? I think not. :P

Sniper Rifle (Rifle) for thieves. (detailed post.)

in Thief

Posted by: Skorpio.3571


In my opinion, this would be a good kit for Engineers since they already use rifle and ranged kiting is their MO.

I think thieves are best kept at medium to short range.