Showing Posts For Skull Duggery.3192:

jade maw fps issues

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skull Duggery.3192

Skull Duggery.3192

I have this EXACT same problem every time. Horrible horrible lag (not believed to be network related) when I first get into maw frac. I have to time my jumps very very very carefully to make it through and almost always die at least once. Groups get frustrated with me. I even warn them in advance before we even get there and ask them if we can clear mobs so I can get through slow and steady w/o being chased down. They never listen. In the end, they end up wasting more time waiting for my sorry behind not making it over and over than they would have if we cleared the mobs. I don’t have trouble in any other dungeon, zone, WvW, etc… I’ve dumbed down my graphics as low as they will go and still get the same problem. I’ve managed to struggle my way through it to lvl 12 now but it seriously sucks and zaps any enjoyment out of that frac. Hoping someone figures out the cause and posts…