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64-bit Client Beta FAQ

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skye.9637


Oh my god. Finally, now my hardware can be utilized to the maximum level or near it, instead of barely using my hardware. My GPU was only used about 50% and my CPU was at about 35%. Now my 64-bit processor, can process more coding at one time, and send more data to the GPU for it to then render more at a time, 32-bit was a bottleneck on this game, and many MMORPGs before it, they relied heavily on single-core performance, because it was 32-bit and only processed 32-bits of data at a time. My PC isn’t bad, don’t get it twisted, I can play Gw2 on max(except character model limit, 75 average in some areas, but when going near a crowd it may drop to about 35), and the newest games like GTA V, I have the hardware to play Fallout 4 etc, but Gw2 lags, because it had a 32-bit limitation. On a game that requires I would say 64-bit for good performance, and now we can even have a more immersive world by having settings that can utilize that also. Good job ArenaNet, now I will actually play again.

(edited by Skye.9637)

Guardian Procession of Blades (Game update)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skye.9637


Pericing Light:

Traps daze enemies when activating and have reduced recharge times.

Whitout this skill you have a 25 seconds cooldown

Oh, yeah. Well this can be closed.

Guardian Procession of Blades (Game update)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skye.9637


It was posted as having been changed from 20 to 25 seconds for the cooldown, as you can see here: “Dragonhunter—Procession of Blades: Increased the cooldown of this ability from 20 to 25 seconds”. However it wasn’t actually changed, you can look at the photo.

edit didn’t realize I had a trait to make my traps take less time to cooldown


(edited by Skye.9637)

Nameplate Bug/Royal Guard Outfit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skye.9637


on charr commandet tag is under character and on human shield position is bad

I reported this multiple times in-game with /bug. It isn’t necessarily game breaking for me, so whenever they get to it, that’ll be nice.. I have a Charr and when I put on the outfit my name appears under me and also my text does too. When removed it goes back to normal.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Skye.9637


not just this but also people are really focusing on themselves and not really look at this from Anet point of view.

Anet has one of the biggest if not the biggest MMO team.

At the core of its rewrite, thats when essentially square enix created an MMO in just 2 years, FFXIV had 300 people working on it.

The next in line is ESO and they have less then 250 people working on the game.

Anet have 350.

Many of those other MMOs release an expansion every 1-2 years. Anet is releasing theirs after 3 years. This is critical for everyone but people seem to ignore it. Think about it. 1 year extra means the Expansion has cost Anet more (wages mainly) It means its cheaper for us. a $40 expansion every 2 years equals 20$ a year. a 50 dollar expansion every 3 years means $16 per year. These things matter, its not just about the full price and thats it, you need to see that in context.

Like some MMOs release DLCs that cost a mere $10 a pop. Is that cheaper? if you just look at the price sure, its 5 times less. But in the grand scheme of things those DLCs release approximately every 3 months. All in all in a 3 year period you have to pay 2.5 times more then what you pay for HoT to play all the content released. not really cheaper at all!

There’s a flaw here, you’re assuming they’ve been working on it since the game’s release. Who knows when they started? It was announced officially this year.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Skye.9637


WHAT?! The expansion, which adds on to the core game is $50 alone!! It has far less than the core game and the core game is also required. It also costs A WHOLE LOT more than it, if I am to believe it’s $50. I believe it’s actually about $25 and you’re giving the core game to cover the $50 cost. I get it, a way to make money faster I guess, but at the cost of many not buying it right now, and poor business ethics. I thought it was $50 because it included the core game, but you state it isn’t true. I guess I definitely will not be buying this for a while, when I could get FULL games that I want for as much. $30 is reasonable, not $50 for an expansion with far less value than the core game. Also, the people who already own the game, in no way gets any type of compensation while buying the expansion, something like removing the core game from the bundle and giving a percentage off would be good, so many hate this. I know websites doing what I’ve already said, and they’re selling Heart of Thorns at about $35. Why won’t you do the same thing? And get that money directly.

(edited by Skye.9637)