Showing Posts For Skyfire.2963:
PlaySpan has had a security breach and one of the games that are affected is “Guild Wars”. I was wondering if this includes Guild Wars 2 or just strictly Guild Wars 1?
anyone willing to share a build?
Does anyone have experience with a solid survival / damage pvp build oriented around earth and water that can go toe-to-toe with melee?
I am 30/30 in earth and have full exotic gear, although not specialized for toughness. I play scepter and dagger offhand. When I pull staff out I am safe but my dps blows in comparison to what I can dish out with S/D, or compared to melees in general (balance issues imo). I rarely die and have great survivability, but that means me abstaining from fights and running away as soon as I smell danger rather than going in blindly. Yesterday we were getting our faces rolled by the last boss in HotW, but yet again I survived most of the time when I went down by using #3, going to water, recovered, resumed. Total deaths were minimal and the boss is not even hard, however my concern is about dungeon mobs in general rather than bosses anyhow.
A good example would be citadel of flames expedition mode, where you have to wait for that football head to blow up some door. If your dps is not high enough you’ll get overrun and have to kite, but if you get cut off by a mob, it knocks you down and then you’ll die in split second because you’ll surely get at least one other add chain knocking you down and pounding on you.
Some fights on the other hand are stupid easy cough dragons outdoors (ArenaNet should really take notes from Vindictus dragon fights on this one), but again, I am more being concerned about the dungeon trash mobs more than anything else.
(edited by Skyfire.2963)
First and foremost, allow me to say that I am no newbie when it comes to gaming. Be it Comodore 64 or the latest and greatest game, I have been there and done that. With that said and established, I would like to offer a partial solution to fixing the dungeon difficulty. Mind you, this is by no means a magic bullet, just a way to help ranged survive better, or at least elementalists but this can easily go beyond their class.
I see where ArenaNet went with this. Basically, there is no healer, there is no tank, and mobs are not glued to any player in particular. This reminds me of pvp in a way. You vs the mobs, except the mobs have 50x your HP and hit you like a truck, so players are left to rely on their skill to outsmart them. This however is more difficult than it sounds sometimes.
Before we can address the solution, we must address the problem. So here are some key points, and no doubt I’ll be missing some.
- Melee get destroyed when up in the face of several mobs but do semi ok 1v1
- Ranged cannot avoid mobs chasing them and die within few hits with 1v1
- Ranged cannot outrun the mobs
– Mobs is too fast
– Mob casts freezing
#We have finite amount of cleanses and debuff is reapplied too rapidly, or instantly
– Mobs cast roots
# Not enough cleansing tools - 1-shot hits that are virtually unavoidable
I would like to discuss the last one briefly. I was in a dungeon where a mob would shoot blue player-seeking orbs. Trouble was, even with sprint I was barely able to outrun them and once that wore off I was, well, 1-shot. Deflecting mechanics have too long of a cooldown such as projectile deflection as well which did not help things one bit. Finally if you did not have any type of speed boost, you were flat out dead.
Now for the solution(s). What I propose is something similar to what Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes in Korea) did, where we basically have the ability to dodge these massive hits using a dodge system. Granted, GW2 has a dodge system but it’s pathetic. After 2 dodges we are left vulnerable. We did not gain any distance between the mob chasing us, and we are still probably frozen. If we had at least 6 rolls before our yellow bar expires, that would give many of us a fighting chance.
We also need CC to last longer in PvE. I mean, seriously… 2 second root? I spend 1 second casting thekittenthing and if you add latency into consideration, the spell is short of useless. At least 10 seconds. At LEAST… 10 seconds…
GW2 measures us by our skill and not by our gear. Okay. What skill is there left to deploy when everything is on a cooldown? I am not saying drop the cooldown, but give us more abilities to cleanse it. For example, elementalists, the water atonement, have the attack cleanse nearby players and lower the damage. Have water atonement be far less dps and be more cleaning / healing. Sure, that gives an elementalist a role in a dungeon similar to what healer would have, but if apply the same aoe cleanse to more weapons for other classes.
Why is our speed boost cut off in combat? Howkitten is this? The whole point of speed is to outrun our foes. This would help greatly in dungeons.
There are far more suggestions I’d like to discuss but this should be a start. Also to the trolls out there who haven’t even read a line I said and just want to spew out L2P, here’s my message for you: if you have exhausted all your cooldowns and are facing a mob that is faster than you because it roots or freezes, hits for 1/4 of your HP, and takes you over 20 seconds to kill if it were standing still like a target dummy, then I have demonstrated maximum permissible survivability as a player and it’s the game mechanics alone that prevent my triumph.
Is there a difference? I know precision contributes to crit (I think 21 = 1) but is there any other difference, such as the crit increase modifier or something?
Replace the terrain or Orr with Tokyo city and you have an instant High School of the Dead. …minus the scantly clad female survivors of course.
Mmmm glossy skin. I’d buy.
Problem with undergarments is that they are always covered up unless you are missing a piece of gear or it’s broken entirely. It would make more sense if damaged gear would show as damaged such as in Vindictus, so that when you take enough damage, your top looks like you just clutched a grenade against your chest but survived unscratched, leaving your armor heavily shredded. Would I buy it? Yeah, but I don’t think it would be a huge selling item for everyone since to use it one would have to sacrifice stats just to show it.
When playing around lots of players, my sound completely stops and all I can hear is wuou wuou wuou wuou over and over, even if I tab out. I have a Creative Labs Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio with latest driver 1.4.90
We definitely have a lot of discussion on what kinds of skins or armors should be made. We understand that some people want armors and skins like the OP, while some others want a more realistic war uniform. We will always try to provide what is wanted, and we must also preserve the online world of GW2.
So: Your welcome! We’ll see what the future holds!
I don’t think I have ever seen a game with better customer support and appreciation than ArenaNet. Are any of you guys running for a president? You have my vote.
Wait wait wait, “Fire 2-3-5-4”?? And you labeled this topic how to play like a pro? I laugh at you sir. If you had any sense of skill you would recognize the beauty of scepter / dagger fire atunement self-combo field triggering combination right off the bat. When you use 4 first, that initiates a combo field. Then using 2 and 3 (and personally an arcane damage on 7) triggers a finisher which gives you a solid stack of might. Why on earth would you not want to take advantage of 9 stacks of might with this build if you are playing like a pro?
Am I the only one who switches atunement based on conditions? If I see a hunter gunning for me I switch to earth and use staff’s shield to waste his big attack. If I am being chased I switch to air and control my enemy. If it’s a group effort, I stand next to someone and drop aoe heals then switch to fire to dps. I hear people talking about bang for a buck and what not, however frankly speaking even if you have 10% more damage in one atunement than other, so what? All that means is that I’ll have to cast 11 regular attacks and not 10, but the same time I gain comfort in controlling the situation and know that if I need to I can always escape. Frankly that’s more important, at least to me.
ArenaNet, first and foremost thank you for the profound armor skin. I feel like my character has a bit more sex appeal which balances out some of the other armor types that make your character look like they were wearing a standard issue military bomb protection suit. Could we please see more skins of this nature in the future? As a mere suggestion, winter is coming, how about a cute santa outfit? Easter, a sexy bunny suit, summer, a swimsuit, and so on.