Showing Posts For Slight.8329:

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 7

in WvW

Posted by: Slight.8329


Enjoy the videos Slic, keep ‘em comin’ when you’ve got time! Hope to meet you on the battlefield sometime this week.

Baelin Von Blackmor – 80 Thief – Blackgate

Huge fps drop in any/all Caves

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slight.8329


Sounds like after the game updated you’ve got some corrupted texture files or some such? I’d try running a repair on your client files.

Baelin Von Blackmor – 80 Thief – Blackgate

I'm level 37, no funding. What's the quickest way to 80?

in Thief

Posted by: Slight.8329


Enter the mists—boom, level 80.

Baelin Von Blackmor – 80 Thief – Blackgate

wvwvw thieves listen up

in Thief

Posted by: Slight.8329


Yeah, like you mentioned in your previous experience, I’ve seen stealther groups be quite successful in other games. Not sure how well it’d go here in GW2 with current stealth mechanics, but good luck regardless!

Baelin Von Blackmor – 80 Thief – Blackgate

What runes/orbs are best for Berserker Gear if going for a full glass cannon build?

in Thief

Posted by: Slight.8329


I use the divinity ones (expensive) for the all stats+crit dmg, and air on my weapon to add to the burst.

Baelin Von Blackmor – 80 Thief – Blackgate