Showing Posts For Smash Girl Rosie.8349:

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smash Girl Rosie.8349

Smash Girl Rosie.8349

One valid point I’ve seen against allowing 1v1 duels is that it would show the imbalance in 1v1 and people would complain and demand a fix. But if you can already duel in certain places this is kinda a moot point? I do think the idea of a group duel is pretty cool, though! Just lending my support to the thread, mostly. :P

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smash Girl Rosie.8349

Smash Girl Rosie.8349

I agree with Ruj 100%! Merely not wanting to -see- a duel happening is a pitiful argument against having them in such a massive, open world, as is worry over request spams… I’m all for enriching the game RP-wise as much as possible.