Showing Posts For Snaffled.3298:
u smell like a horse’s butt
BibleThump x 20
hi guys im diamond with war but gotta play another class to legend because ppl ragequit if u stay on warrior
I almost never post but playing warrior at diamond is like cutting
Yes only play warrior. Don’t care if I get farmed. 60%wr
(edited by Snaffled.3298)
@Korean Gamer I know shoutbow works but doesn’t playing it feel like an inferior version of druid?
I have never posted anything on the forums for 3 years because warrior was great. Way back hambow was OP and skullcracker was fun AND viable. Shoutbow was crazy good and GS/Axe+shield was a ton of fun. We had tons of build variety with bow/axe+shield, s/s and bow, as well as many others. Even vs DD ele with blinding ashes or cele engi I still had a chance to win with either GS/Axe+shield of GS/Ham. Now there is tons of blocks, chills, slows, and burns for warrior to do anything. Quickness also feels off again. With druids perma blind now I have ~10s to kill them with berserker stance as a stance warrior. As shoutbow, I feel outclassed by druid and bunker guard. I have not been able to get any zerker specialization build to work viably. If anyone has any ideas to combat the new meta as a warrior please enlighten me. Sorry for the wall of text.