Showing Posts For SnowLight.2971:

250 Captain's Council Commendations

in Living World

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


Why did they remove the girl for the [250 Captain’s Council Commendations]???

i have close around 1000 of this coins, i havent played for a very long time on gw2 but why did they remove her?

what the hell am i going 2 do with this coins now? could they atleast make them sell on vendor for some gold or anything?

i mean i see problems everywhere in this game, small anooying ones but serious do i have to make a video smack it up on youtube? for a change to happen? what´s good and bad on gw2 so they change the bad stuff in 2 better?

anyway i always heard, gw2 is good on adding stuff and never remove stuff. and that´s why gw2 are so kitten awesome.

but it seems like ppl are wrong since they removed the 250 Captain’s Council Commendations and i wonder why??

i just wonder why? why did they remove it why?


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


kitten mount be nice just ground mount atleast, + they get more income in shop if they made mounts alot alot alot alot alot more..

and will support the game and players.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


And tbh every time i do event, i just get crap i break down for materials like 99% of the times i do them..

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


Ok do any belive they should make ground mounts?
or new hair hairstyles
and maybe that items for proffesions can drop?

or that rare items like Dawn or pets etc drop on bosses?
or something that give you more materials?

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


lets just say you wanna change 1 thing on you´re character or hair or eye color, i think there should be atleast one place where you can change that for gold or silver.

and that you can sell some shop items for gold or keys or wings or something, like everything you wanna sell if kitten account bound..

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


Could they not atleast give out more keys or stuff that are special for mining cut wood and change looks atleast, or a place where you can buy it for gold?

or some shop items that you may sell on ah, for gold like the keys or something atleast so you can get gold cash more easy?

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


Is it just me? or why dosen´t it drop game-shop items?
sure it might be rare but way more fun if it did drop items from shop.
( on lets say bosses achie or other stuff)

So you can sell the items for gold, or give it like gift or use it you´re self, i think that be more fun in the game and more then just then lion keys that can drop tbh.

Atleast stuff like change hair and looks on characters, and maybe some items like gear and pets and wings etc.

so you can sell this stuff on ah for gold, some times you need gold more then gems and i think it´s boring that shop items dosen´t drop at all..

Anybody have some info about this, or have something good to say about this please leav a comment


(edited by SnowLight.2971)

Change look on Character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


So i know there is 1 item to change everything on you´re character, but if you just wanna change hair or just you´re chin or jaw there isent any option for that.

And since i just wanna change 1 thing on my character i dont wanna buy 350 diamonds for it, so now i wonder why isent there a place where you can pay gold 2 change looks on you´re character??

that´s what i wonder, any info about this or ides please leav them here on this forum.

Have a great day


Forge Bug, lost 12 yellows in forge and havent got any items back!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SnowLight.2971


This is the 3 time forge bug, i now lost 12 yellow items. is any one more then me haveing this problem?

If you the same thing happen to you, please apply here so Arenanet can fix this.

it´s really really anooying when this happen, i mean it´s not fun to lose 12 items in the forge..
