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Precision Blade bugged...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snowskau.4369


Update for you guys: The counter may be broken by entering downed state. See if you can reach 50 kills without getting downed at any point. Worked for me and my guildies. Anise is invincible and can solo the whole thing, so go hide in the other side of the henge after Shadow escapes and have her aggro all the mobs herself – stealth skills help in slipping away while she catches the mobs.

Precision Blade bugged...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snowskau.4369


Must add. I’ve spent several hours just trying to get this one achievement now. Several of the instance achievements were agony for one reason or another (usually bugs), but I’ve had to just give up on this. Managed to do it “legit” using a full evade spam staff DD after many tries, but didn’t get the achievement. Finished the instance, still no achievement. Second time I managed to pass 50 kills on the counter I killed 40 of them myself and then had Anise occupy another 40 while I waited it out in a corner, only coming in to finish off the last 2-3 enemies of each wave. Gave in with 80 on the counter. No achievement.


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowskau.4369


The seriously pathetic offering of facial hair for male humans and their neglect in the TMK updates is something that has been bothering me since the game’s launch. You’ve got one well-grown full beard, the horseshoe, and then just a whole bunch of pansy pencil-thin decorations – none of which suit what I’d like for my characters. I took the time to draw some period-appropriate ones I think would flesh out your selection very well, and I really, really hope you can get one of your gemstore artist to implement some more facial hair into the TMK soon! Surely it would make a perfect Movember addition.


(edited by Snowskau.4369)

Suggestion: player camera improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowskau.4369


Very happy to see the addition of an FoV slider and tweaked collision sensitivity, but I’m still having some issues tweaking the camera position to my liking. I think think the camera system as a whole could still use some more features as well. To begin with, two easy tweaks:

– Add 2 or 4 increments to Horizontal Position
– Add 4 to 6 increments to Vertical Position and increase max distance (I have a feeling the current values are not final)

To flesh out camera functionality, I have a few suggestions. This would be harder work.

– Add “Swap Camera Side” hotkey. Pressing this key changes which side of the player character (PC) the camera is placed. An additional function may be to center the camera if the hotkey is held down for ~2 seconds. Hitting the hotkey again with the camera centered returns it to the normal position. (This only works if the player’s Horizontal Position is not set to center in the Options window.)
– Camera position changes with zoom distance. Further zooming in at minimum camera distance enters a “centered mode” where the camera moves across both X and Y axes to focus on the PC. This “scroll centering” can only be triggered if the player stops scrolling for ~0.2 seconds before scrolling in again. The camera zoom thus has two “modes”: one where the scrolling zooms in and out normally and one where scrolling focuses the camera on the PC. (As in, you hit a “wall” at min zoom distance and must stop scrolling before you can enter centered mode by scrolling again) The camera within this centered mode may be bound to the PC’s chest, making it so the camera stays focused no matter the PC’s current animation. This would be handy for people who wish to take pictures of their character. This “centered mode” ignores the player’s horizontal and vertical camera settings. An additional function may be to center the camera at max zoom distance. If this is the case; at ~4 increments from minimum distance the camera position begins to shift into the player’s set Horizontal Position until it is positioned accordingly at minimum distance.
– If this “scroll centering” is enabled, further zooming in whist within this mode enters first-person camera. This has another “wall” before activation as previously described. Entering and exiting first-person may also have it’s own hotkey.
– These “walls” between camera modes may be replaced by a simple delay to make moving between max zoom distance and first-person more pleasant. These delays should probably be around half a second long.
– Additionally, there could be a separate option for adjusting camera to character height within first-person.

(edited by Snowskau.4369)