Showing Posts For Snrub.1347:

Steal Nerf, Are you for real, ANet?

in Thief

Posted by: Snrub.1347


Why this change? Other skills don’t require a target. This is inconsistent and doesn’t make sense.

For example (I also have a guardian):'s_Intervention


Steal Nerf, Are you for real, ANet?

in Thief

Posted by: Snrub.1347


What the… This is absolutely horrible for pve and casual play. That’s my swiftness gone forever when I need it (out of combat or out of range).

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Snrub.1347


Yeah fine if some say they like the 400 HP because it worked for them. Because they “worked” all weekend for it and are already half through.

But the point still is the majority don’t want to “work” for the elite, that’s right. We want to “play”, “enjoy”, “savor”.
Why are we forced to do grind through the jungle and cannot enjoy it? Because that’s the consequence. For example, my playstile would be to play the new content bit by bit (it will take long). Do something else in between, not having that much time to playing to begin with. So to get the elite spec, to play with it, enjoy it, I can’t do that. Is that intended? Rush through the content, “work” it through, otherwise you will never see the elite specs? Yeah well congrats. Disheartened players right there.

And that’s not even taken into account the most pressing problems of many players: Champion HP (can’t do solo) and mastery locked HP.

For example for the regular trait lines and HP you just had to level. Experience comes from all kind of sources. You don’t have to “work” for it, just play the game, enjoy the ride. The old HP challenges were just a bonus to get it faster if you wanted to.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Snrub.1347


So to add another experience and opinion, here’s mine:

I’m playing GW2 again since a month after a loooong break (the first 6 months after release, then nothing). Of course I was thrilled because of HoT and prepurchased the special edition.

I planned for the elite specialisations of my characters and looked forward to the launch. Till yesterday night I thought I would get hero points through level ups after 80, so 400 wasn’t THAT much a deal, as I could just do my things (world exploration, crafting etc.) and still get my hero points. Or even use the tomes. Then I saw, that my experience bar was locked because of masteries. Ok… so I rushes through the opening of HoT (otherwise I would have taken my sweet time, doing everything, looking for everything) to get my ecperience bar unlocked again.

Now I’m realizing, that I won’t get any Hero Points the relaxed way. No… I have to grind/rush through the new content as I already did with the opening.

Long story short:
Would you please let us play through the content (without rushing!) with our elite specs, not because we want to unlock them? Frankly that’s some bad bad game design.

Thanks and kind regards

Sigil of Fire\Air underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snrub.1347


I want to bump this thread as I just put a sigil of air on my harpoon gun and nothing ever happens (42% crit at the moment).

So, which sigils DO work underwater? Can someone help?

Sigils: dual wield/2h

in Engineer

Posted by: Snrub.1347


All sigils share a cooldown. So no crit and swap sigil together. It’s stated in the wiki and I also tested this.

Maximum output for me is now for example 1 sigil of fire, 1 sigil of accuracy (5 % more crit) and another weapon with sigil of perception (10 precision for every kill till 25 stacks).

I used the rifle before, but why would I go without a flat 5 % damage increase or crit or more condition duration etc.?
This is a bit stupid.

(edited by Snrub.1347)

Voice actress for Lionguard Lyns?

in Audio

Posted by: Snrub.1347


I’m talking to the npc just to hear the voice from time to time.

The shortcuts through LA became a bit longer since Lyns’ call for donations…

Bugged Trading Post Listings?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snrub.1347


I have the exact same problem.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Snrub.1347


Super Elixir (Elixir Gun) – Underwater!

After the patch(?) you can’t detonate it anymore.
A few days ago I could detonate it at my own position, but now I can’t do it at all.

Can someone confirm this?