Showing Posts For SolStice.7184:

Can't wear 2 the same ascended accesory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SolStice.7184


this is so frustrating

Can't wear 2 the same ascended accesory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SolStice.7184


so i was really excited yesterday that i can buy another ascended accesory because our guild is doing bounty guild hunt…
and i thought i can wear the same ascended just like an exotic accesory but i just noticed that i can only wear one :/
is there any chance that i can change this ascended or is there any chance that i can retrieve my 12 commendations and 5 gold it takes me 3 months to farm those commendations


(edited by SolStice.7184)

Can't wear 2 the same ascended accesory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SolStice.7184


so i was really excited yesterday that i can buy another ascended accesory because our guild is doing bounty guild hunt…
and i thought i can wear the same ascended just like an exotic accesory but i just noticed that i can only wear one :/
is there any chance that i can change this ascended or is there any chance that i can retrieve my 12 accomendations and 5 gold it takes me 3 months to farm those accomendations


whats the best pc specs for guild wars 2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SolStice.7184


im planning to buy a new pc but idk what specs should i pick :/
can somone suggest me a pc that can run GW2 at high settings??
budget—-> 500-700$
and also can someone suggest me some graphics card that can run GW2 at high setting??

sudden slow motion need HELP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


I’d say it’s a cpu throttling issue prolly that 70C is supposed to be lower… Does the fan in the laptop start running immidiately after you log in the game? If not thats what im suspecting… Late fan activation can be fixed with either a bios update spesificially fixing that or cutting the cable that transmits the fan speed signal from the motherboard but keep in mind that prolly voids your warranty and will have your fans to run 100% 7/24

i did an update on bios but still doest work >.<

sudden slow motion need HELP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


sounds like heat. Try opening your laptop and blowing out the dust with some compressed air. Careful not to tilt the can too much so liquid doesn’t come out onto the components.

i dont have experience on opening a laptop :/

sudden slow motion need HELP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


You might be able to control the cpufan using Speedfan

I use it for my desktop to custom configure my fans, not sure how well it works with notebooks.

im using speedfan but i think it doesnt work for me

sudden slow motion need HELP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


i think the fan activates at late time :/
and what cable do you meanis it inside on my laptopdo i have to open my laptop :/
i have no experience btw :/

sudden slow motion need HELP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


i was wondering why is it everytime i play gw2 on my laptop it goes slow motion lag then back to normal again :/ slow motion— back to normal—slow motion—back to normal
kitten im going crazy here >.<
need help anyone knows how to fix this :/??

Processor: Intel® Core™ i3 2350M CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30Ghz
System Type: 64 bit operating system

Adapter type: AMD radeon HD 7600M series (latest version)
Chip type: : AMD radeon graphics processor (0×6840)
DAC type: Internal DAC (400MHz)
Bios info: BR 41923.007
Total available graphics memory : 2801MB
dedicated video memory: 1024
System Video memory: 0MB
Shared System memory : 1777MB

Temperature while playing GW2

HD0: 36C
GPU: 57C
Core 0: 70
Core 1 :70

i hope someone can help me with this

please help me :( i need ur reply ASAP arenanet :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


should i try shrink my hdd :/??i have only 1 hdd..

please help me :( i need ur reply ASAP arenanet :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


  • Error Logs <—*
    Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df5a’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
    Model ‘0×00f483’: Missing anim or fallbacks: on
    Disk read failed with error 1117 (incomplete): file ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.dat’
    Disk read failed (1117): file ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.dat’
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×10de
    DeviceId = 0×0a7a
    Version = 9.18.0013.1033
    Description = NVIDIA GeForce 315M
    Compat = 0×00100800
    VidMem = 2761 MB

please help me :( i need ur reply ASAP arenanet :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


—> Stack <—
369EFCC0 00c5614c 01292a38 0000020e 00000000 La..8*)………
369EFCD0 01292adc 00000000 61746146 6964206c .)…..Fatal di
369EFCE0 652d6b73 726f7272 31312820 20293731 sk-error (1117)
369EFCF0 72206e6f 00646165 07030790 089f1690 on read………
369EFD00 00000000 00000000 089f1690 369efd24 …………$..6
369EFD10 00660189 000011d0 00000000 07030790 ..f………….
369EFD20 089f1690 369efd48 0065f69d 00000103 ….H..6..e…..
369EFD30 0fdaaa70 00001318 369efd6c 770a623f p…….l..6?b.w
369EFD40 770a6244 41866aca 00001318 0fdaaa70 Db.w.j.A….p…
369EFD50 00000103 369efd44 01646b30 369efdb0 ….D..60kd….6
369EFD60 770e71d5 0011591e fffffffe 369efd7c .q.w.Y……|..6
369EFD70 74fd773a 000003e5 0fdaaa70 369efdc0 :w.t….p……6
369EFD80 74fadd9f 74fadda6 8f05cb23 00000000 …t…t#…….
369EFD90 00001318 070c3ba0 203fdc00 00000001 …..;….? ….
369EFDA0 00000000 00000000 369efd88 7708f9b9 ………..6…w
369EFDB0 369efdf8 74fd6fa0 cd66b12b fffffffe …6.o.t+.f…..
369EFDC0 74fadda6 74a83f07 00001318 071306b8 …t.?.t……..
369EFDD0 00010000 00000000 8f036f50 369efe14 ……..Po…..6
369EFDE0 0065e825 01292a38 0000020e 01292a8c %.e.8
369EFDF0 0000045d 01292adc 00000002 012929d0 ]….
369EFE00 01292adc 0000045d 070c3c20 070c3ba0 .*).]… <…;..
369EFE10 0fdaaa70 369efe2c 0065fa5f 070c3c20 p…,..6_.e. <..
369EFE20 070c3ba0 0fdaaa70 0702ee10 369efe3c .;..p…….<..6
369EFE30 0065fd09 0000045d 00000000 369efe58 ..e.]…….X..6
369EFE40 00662990 0fdaaa70 00000000 0702ee10 .)f.p………..
369EFE50 00000000 0702fea0 369eff00 00661206 ………..6..f.
369EFE60 0fdaaa70 00000000 0702ee10 0702ee50 p………..P…
369EFE70 0702fea0 0001014c 00000000 0151d840 ….L…….@.Q.
369EFE80 01527b9b 369efe98 74fd7c46 00000000 .{R….6F|.t….
369EFE90 00000000 7708fd90 369efee8 74faf380 …….w…6…t
369EFEA0 369efeb0 369efedc 369eff00 036e4b88 …6…6…6.Kn.
369EFEB0 00000000 00026161 00001000 000feddc ….aa……….
369EFEC0 00000001 0014f7ff 00010000 00010000 …………….
369EFED0 7708fab2 74fab955 ffffffff 369eff24 …wU..t….$..6
369EFEE0 00000000 369eff2c 00001000 00000104 ….,..6……..
369EFEF0 74fab8d9 00000000 0fdaaa70 00000000 …t….p…….
369EFF00 369eff20 006612f1 070c3ba0 000003e8 ..6..f..;……
369EFF10 369eff28 0702ee50 0702ee10 036e4b88 (..6P……..Kn.
369EFF20 369eff44 00661355 00000000 00000000 D..6U.f………
369EFF30 0702fea0 0066094f 00000000 036e4b88 ….O.f……Kn.
369EFF40 00000000 369eff7c 008b5bcd 0702fea0 ….|..6.[……
369EFF50 8f036df0 00000000 036e4b88 036e4b88 .m…….Kn..Kn.
369EFF60 80000003 369eff50 369ef2f4 369effc4 ….P..6…6…6
369EFF70 008b5d30 b8c8f2ec 00000000 369eff88 0]………….6
369EFF80 008b5c75 00000000 369eff94 74a833aa u\………6.3.t
369EFF90 036e4b88 369effd4 770a9ef2 036e4b88 .Kn….6…w.Kn.
369EFFA0 41866872 00000000 00000000 036e4b88 rh.A………Kn.
369EFFB0 80000003 74aa7717 74aa7717 369effa0 …..w.t.w.t…6
369EFFC0 369ef2f8 ffffffff 770e71d5 00115296 …6…..q.w.R..
369EFFD0 00000000 369effec 770a9ec5 008b5bf3 …….6…w.[..
369EFFE0 036e4b88 00000000 00000000 00000000 .Kn………….
369EFFF0 00000000 008b5bf3 036e4b88 00000000 …..[…Kn…..

please help me :( i need ur reply ASAP arenanet :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


  • ThreadPoolFile01 Thread 0xec4 <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:00c56147 Fr:369efddc Rt:0065e825 Arg:01292a38 0000020e 01292a8c 0000045d
    Pc:0065e825 Fr:369efe14 Rt:0065fa5f Arg:070c3c20 070c3ba0 0fdaaa70 0702ee10
    Pc:0065fa5f Fr:369efe2c Rt:0065fd09 Arg:0000045d 00000000 369efe58 00662990
    Pc:0065fd09 Fr:369efe3c Rt:00662990 Arg:0fdaaa70 00000000 0702ee10 00000000
    Pc:00662990 Fr:369efe58 Rt:00661206 Arg:0fdaaa70 00000000 0702ee10 0702ee50
    Pc:00661206 Fr:369eff00 Rt:006612f1 Arg:070c3ba0 000003e8 369eff28 0702ee50
    Pc:006612f1 Fr:369eff20 Rt:00661355 Arg:00000000 00000000 0702fea0 0066094f
    Pc:00661355 Fr:369eff44 Rt:008b5bcd Arg:0702fea0 8f036df0 00000000 036e4b88
    Pc:008b5bcd Fr:369eff7c Rt:008b5c75 Arg:00000000 369eff94 74a833aa 036e4b88
    Pc:008b5c75 Fr:369eff88 Rt:74a833aa Arg:036e4b88 369effd4 770a9ef2 036e4b88
    Pc:74a833aa Fr:369eff94 Rt:770a9ef2 Arg:036e4b88 41866872 00000000 00000000
    Pc:770a9ef2 Fr:369effd4 Rt:770a9ec5 Arg:008b5bf3 036e4b88 00000000 00000000
    Pc:770a9ec5 Fr:369effec Rt:00000000 Arg:008b5bf3 036e4b88 00000000 00000000
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=369ef8ac ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000040 esi=00000000 edi=00000003
    eip=00c56147 esp=369efcc0 ebp=369efddc
    cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246

eax-32 369EF88C 7709faf6 00666515 00000000 369ef8fc
eax-16 369EF89C 74fac40d 369ef8fc 74fac41f 369ef8ac
eax 0 369EF8AC 80000003 00000000 00000000 74fac41f
16 369EF8BC 00000002 00000002 071cd9a0 00000280
eax+32 369EF8CC 0000002e 00000040 369efc30 369ef9b0
eax+48 369EF8DC 369ef900 008b97cf 369ef9b0 00000000

  • Code <—*
    00C56127 35959fff 8b450c6a 0050568d 95fcfeff 5….E.j.PV…..
    00C56137 ffb90300 0000c785 f8feffff 00000000 …………….
    00C56147 e8e405a1 ff8b4dfc 33cd5ee8 22d0c5ff ……M.3.^."…
    00C56157 8be55dc3 cccccccc cc535657 b9f0586a ..]……SVW..Xj
    00C56167 01e89370 a0ff8b1d d4b35a01 8b3dccb3 …p……Z..=..
    00C56177 5a0133c0 b9f0586a 01a3ccb3 5a01a3d0 Z.3…Xj….Z…

please help me :( i need ur reply ASAP arenanet :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


my 2 chars was stuck at kessex hills..i cant even access into the game >.<
please help me with this

heres the error:
—> Crash <—
Fatal Error: Fatal disk-error (1117) on read,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2260
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 15880
When: 2012-10-30T23:11:08Z 2012-10-30T16:11:08-07:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:04:38
Flags: 0

—> System <—
Name: BRIZ
Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)

—> System Memory <—
Physical: 2150MB/ 4077MB 52%
Paged: 5667MB/ 8153MB 69%
Virtual: 2814MB/ 4095MB 68%
Load: 47%
CommitTotal: 2485MB
CommitLimit: 8153MB
CommitPeak: 2561MB
SystemCache: 1829MB
HandleCount: 16899
ProcessCount: 58
ThreadCount: 694

—> Process Memory <—
Private: 971MB
WorkingSet: 512MB
PeakWorkingSet: 512MB
PageFaults: 265903

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]


stuck at loading page(kessex hills) please help me :(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SolStice.7184


please help me my screen keep loading until an error pops up
im just a newbie..i just bought GW last week..and i dont want to force quit just because of this map bug
please help me im begging anyone who knows how to solve this
sorry for my english btw..


stuck at loading page(kessex hills) please help me :(

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SolStice.7184


please help me my screen keep loading until an error pops up
im just a newbie..i just bought GW last week..and i dont want to force quit just because of this map bug
please help me im begging anyone who knows how to solve this
sorry for my english btw..


stuck at loading page(kessex hills) please help me :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


please help me my screen keep loading until an error pops up
im just a newbie..i just bought GW last week..and i dont want to force quit just because of this map bug
please help me im begging anyone who knows how to solve this
sorry for my english btw..


Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SolStice.7184


please help char ranger [IGN:Envious Archer] stuck at loading page
it keeps loading until the error pops up
my other chars can access into the game btw
im just a newbie please help me


character stuck at loading page

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SolStice.7184


i already tried it…relog,restart,relog again >.<

character stuck on loading screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolStice.7184


please help char ranger stuck at loading page
but my other chars can access to the game..please help me im just a newbie

character stuck at loading page

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SolStice.7184


please help me my char ranger (IGN:Envious Archer) stuck at loading page forever
my char is in kessex btw
please help me im just a newbie