Showing Posts For SolidView.9247:

Apprentice Toymaker Bug

in Wintersday

Posted by: SolidView.9247


Thanks for all the responses, apologies for opening a new thread as the answer is already out. Guess I should have really searched around first!

This thread can be closed xD

Many thanks all!

Apprentice Toymaker Bug

in Wintersday

Posted by: SolidView.9247


That would make sense if it really is just based on numbers, as I have done those 2 achievements. Although from looking at where the achievements are positioned, I had just assumed that the ones in the Special Event category where the only ones that counted towards this (on 13 now though if that is correct xD)


Apprentice Toymaker Bug

in Wintersday

Posted by: SolidView.9247


Not sure if correct forum to post this, or if this should go into the actual Bug forum, but hey-ho! as it relates to Wintersday why not post it here?!

First off, having great fun with all things Wintersday! Good job Anet!

This is not a game breaking bug, in fact it’s far from it, it’s actually a premature one! I’ve recently just done the latest installment of the Wintersday Dungeon like many others, and after completing said dungeon, I achieved Apprenticeship Toymaker… at 10/12.

Now, I’m not complaining, but I thought I’d make the Developers aware that this title is not working as intended. I’m sure no body will complain about this (why would you, you get an achievement for doing less than the minimum requirement? Success!) But none-the less, it is still a bug.

Many thanks & regards,

Tixx Minipets

in Wintersday

Posted by: SolidView.9247


You’ll have enough to make any two you’d like if you play all five days.

So say I managed to get 2/5, will I then be able to buy the other 3 from players over the TP?
I myself, like to collect things on Guild Wars, always used to in the first game, and would like to continue this trend. But if we can only get 2/5 ourselves, there will be 3 gaps in my mini-pet area (not saying it’s anywhere near full mind you!)

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SolidView.9247


Human Ranger, level 62.
No Boosts.
Completed once but that was the goal! Actually took me awhile to work out I had to drop down to another level to continue climbing
Great fun!

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SolidView.9247


@Yoshihito If I understand this correct, you purchased Gems with Cash correct? In that case, you got exactly what you paid for. You then made a choice to use the in-game currency to purchase the in game items for a chance at another, in game item. As far as claiming for a refund from your credit company/Anet, you got exactly what you paid for, Gems.
I also spent cash on gems and I also didn’t get any sort of skin, just the usual BL Tools/tonics etc, yet I got what I paid for. The Gems.

Can you still complete phase 1 when phase 2 comes about?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SolidView.9247


It would be great to hear if this is/not the case. As someone who is not able to get on for the majority of the day, work/family etc, I would like to know if I am able throughout the event period, to play catchup at my own leisure? As for myself I am very unlikely to be able to get on everyday, as soon as the next phase is rolled out!