Showing Posts For Solion.9658:
I was.. I say WAS, looking forward to moving to WvW during our lull in new content. In the meantime I choose to try for and see if I could get world complete.
A little story about that. You see I set a goal for my character. With as little help as possible I would get the world complete on my own. As in all by myself. I know I know it seems silly , actually trying being proud that I completed Orr all on my own and every nook and cranny of the PVE experience and the surprises it held.
The surprise I was not ready for was the WVW part of it, I had played a bit in the beginning got quickly bored with the same ol Zerg , And I never felt right turning the random people it fell upon like a horde of army ants as.. well .. sporting. I loved big battles and 1 on 1’s But just mowing through people like an unstoppable wave of hate
Not my sort of fun.
I had heard a lot had changed and looked forward to seeing what the new WvW had to offer . But .. That world completion thing , you know the one where you have to clear all the WvW maps to be “worthy” Unfortunately unless you are in a Zerg you can fugging forget it.
In short.. my seething desire to just flip a fuggin table is at its highest right now. Exactly who on your team thought it would be a good idea to put vistas and poi’s INSIDE enemy fortresses, he must go home and kick kittens at night..
There is no way, none , unless you time the flip just right on the right days to get in without getting turned into a smear to get the completes over all the maps. its stupid and it kittenes me off. Having to rely on the army ant zerg to finish something I had done on my own up to that point is ridiculous
I would ask you to change it . but I think I have more luck winning the lottery tonight than it being changed.. But indeed I now hate WvW .. love the fact that the mists maps are not always available either ..
Im out. all that work and now it is going to take me weeks and luck and Zergs to someday get the complete.
Ill be hating every step of it
(edited by Solion.9658)
Hmmm, how about 88 then.. when this thing hits 88 we will really see some … stuff
As a fellow writer, he has hit on every point that I had problems with in the event. Had there been the rest of the pints he made or even half of them , I don’t think a year is too long to carry the plot with Scarlett.
Anet, you need to hire this guy or someone like him, You have the power to do the mechanics, How about hire a high fantasy writer to run your plots?
Okay, So I want the helmet from the primal set in the gem store since the armor and clothing options for Charr are rather poor and I was trying to create a unique look.
Only to find out that the stuff doesn’t fit. Can we fix this? or can I get my gems back?
Here is a picture of my chin hanging out the end of the helm . the one piece I really wanted for a set I was building around it.
The offending chin in questions