Showing Posts For Solorien.9217:

Siege Trolls and Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Solorien.9217


espionage is all part of war

Yes, but without any consequences the target server just gets demoralized without any viable recourse… if they’re going to allow espionage then they need to implement a method that allows the defending team to exile or kick people who are ‘discovered’.

I’m all about shadow games, but at least make the spies have to be covert about their operations. This game is all about balance and reaction… allow the defending server to react. Do we not get to vote kick people from parties for exactly this reason?

Siege Trolls and Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Solorien.9217


I reported the guy on Blackgate 2 weeks ago and have been constantly updating the ticket whenver I see him out there… it’s just silly at this point. We have lost our keeps several times because he empties them of supply. Plus, when we’re taking towers/keeps/castle he will drop ballistas over our ram build sites to prevent (usually make it very difficult) to build rams.

Two weeks with updates and what do I have to show for it? Absolutely nothing… Anet is not doing anything about this guy… and if one single guy who is clearly griefing and trolling our side is allowed to do so unimpeded for weeks… well, any serious competition in this game is done.

It’s gotten to the point where I leave the map as soon as he shows up… it’s just too frustrating and not worth it.

Still No Valk/Carrion Ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solorien.9217


I give up … there’s no use asking for em any more … just gonna move on to another build and different trinkets … oh well

It’s not even about asking they were expressly stated to be added next.

Technically they said they’d add them in the “next round” which I took for next round of ascended gear that they released, which they haven’t done since February.

However, they also stated that Condition Damage has more options for primary stats than any other, which is not accurate. Power and Condition Damage each have 3 sets where they are primary, which would seem fine on the face but if you look at the combinations it fails miserably:

Power: Berserker/Berserker, Berserker/Valkyrie, Soldier/Soldier
Condition Damage: Rabid/Rabid, Unnamed/Rabid, Rabid/Apothecary

The Rabid stat combination appears 4 times among the 3 sets for condition damage. Plus, they actually made a new stat combination not previously released rather than give us Carrion. (I would actually like the new set as well.. but it’s combined with Rabid again). The options for condition damage is basically Rabid. At least Power stackers have a damage and a tanking set. Our tanking set (unnamed) get watered down with the inclusion of Rabid.

At the moment really our only option for Ascended is Rabid :/

Still No Valk/Carrion Ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solorien.9217


This is getting frustrating …. been waiting 6 months so I can properly gear my Necro and still nothing. There have been no new Ascended stat combinations added in 2 months.

This stuff doesn’t even have appearances associated with it…

The other Condition Damage combinations are terrible (aside from Rabid)…