Showing Posts For Sombre.2691:

Limited to dungeon treadmill ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sombre.2691


First it was not yet stated that it will be limited for the dungeon itself the blog post is actually making me believe otherwise (could be a problem of interpretation).

I don’t think the value of the item is the problem and in a perfect world this will not have any effect on the game of most.

Point is here it will create a disbalance (however small) with the player who have or doesn’t have the gear. So as a lot of people already stated it will transform the requirement for “standard” dungeon as a lot of people will ask for better gear to build a group. In addition this will also have an impact in the WvW (again however small) because with the same skill the player with higher gear will have a significant advantage.

Therefore i think limiting the gear to specific “infinite” dungeon (some other can be added later to give meat to the treadmiller) will prevent this allowing player who wants vertical progression a place to call home.

Again just my opnion but when you see all the very strong reaction on the forum on both sides. I think there is a need for a middle ground which will actually please most of the player (as pleasing everyone is never doable). For me the heart of the concept was to give to every kind of player a reason to like GW2 and that is actually a good way to do it.

Limited to dungeon treadmill ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sombre.2691


Hi all forumers and Anet,

I am not used to post here (but a big reader during working hours) but when i see the total mess the forum is going through right now i wanted to ask a constructive question.

Will you agree with the new ascended gear if it were to be limited to the “infinite” dungeon ?

I actually think it would be a very good move as a way to include treadmill without damaging the game itself for players who don’t want to participate in this and it will give to player who wants a vertical progression to have one in a designated area of the game.

I am not a game developper (just a regular one) but i think it could be easily set by defning a new layer of equipement which will effectively been active in the dungeon (like the town clothes).

Then later on when you add content you can add for the treadmiller a new gated dungeon and for the “regular” players a “regular dungeon”. The same way content is devellopped for pvp and pve players.

I think this would be an innovative way of give to extend the ways of playing the game for every type of players.

What do you think ?

Best regards,


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sombre.2691


Hello all forumers and Arena Net ,

I am usually not writing posts on forums but i read them a lot. I am also usually don’t complain but just leave the game when i don’t like what is going on.

But here i like this game very much and i was planning to stay for a long time therefore i decided to write down my thought about this dangerous change.

I agree with some previous post who are stating that the gear should be limited to the “infinite” dungeon. This way you ll make most of the people happy either they are pro or anti treadmill. You’ll just have to create another layer of armor (like for the town clothes) for dungeon and people can really invest their time in this new “end game” if they want without polluting other place of the game.

After this is in place it will be easy to serve treadmillers on one side adding new “infinite dungeon” and regular player with adding new “normal” dungeons and zones. Nobody will be left on the border.

I am already quite a disaster in WvW so i really have problem if the game is forcing me to do specific stuff in order not to be an easy target in WvW or sPVP which will actually just deny these game mode for me. But i also have a problem if i cannot try any of the new content before having done hours of repeating the same dungeon over and over. I have no problem of being left out of part of the content (in this case the treadmill content) but if i cannot enjoy most of the new content then what is the point for me to buy extension.

I deeply hope that you will consider this in order to avoid loosing a big chunk of your player base as this would put an end to the GW2 adventure which for me is a real enjoyment.

Best regards,
