Showing Posts For Sorrin.8209:

Sick of 3v5, 4v5, and other unfair odds

in PvP

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


It’s not about doging the queue, which is fine, it’s about people who leaves games as they have started which in pretty much any mmo got a penalty for leaving the game

I wouldn’t say that. I’ve had a HUGE problem with people just not joining the games. And as suggested above, taking the Dota 2 approach is EXACTLY what needs to happen. You can’t control dodging the queue/logging off while in queue, and you shouldn’t have to. If a game is going to start lopsided, it shouldn’t start at all.

Accepting a game should work just like dota 2. When the match is ready, there shouldn’t be a ‘join match’ button, it should be ‘accept’. You don’t actually ‘start’ the game and load into the map until all players accept, otherwise you get put back in the pool. This way you only start games when all 10 players are present, and you don’t have to go through the hassle of loading into a game that isn’t going to happen.

Sick of 3v5, 4v5, and other unfair odds

in PvP

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


Also, is there any word on whether or not these 3v5/4v5 games affect our matchmaking rating? Because if they do the entire system is a flawed joke.

Donee D/D PvP Video

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


It’s just a regular D/D PvP Video, hope yall enjoy.

Take Care.

02:16, you switch into water and immediately heal for ~6k health. How is this happening?

Vapor Form and PvP Death Breakdown

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


dont kittening use kittenedly op downed state skills?

So your advice is…don’t use my downed state skill, because you don’t like it? Get off the forum troll.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


ommaigawd another thief thread.

the solution every thief hater would like to find is make thief useless so everyone can kill them just pressing 2 keys.

thief receive so much complains because opponents doens’t want to improve themselves.

tl:dr: ommaigawd qqthief thread, l2p pl0x

Man you literally missed the point of the entire thread.

Vapor Form and PvP Death Breakdown

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


When you use vapor form in the downed state in PvP, it completely erases whatever ought to be in the death breakdown. I understand that obviously there is some underlying mechanic to this (it seems like vapor form is implemented by “attacking” you for all of your health), but this fact makes it EXTREMELY difficult to learn from my deaths.

A lot of the time in PvP, especially if I get bursted down, my immediate thought is “What abilities were those? How can I stop them next time?” If I want those questions answered, I have to let myself die. That is a choice I should not have to make.

Is there any news about getting this fixed? I can’t learn about other classes like I should be able to because vapor form is the only thing that is every in my death breakdown.